View Full Version : TunerPro starter Tutorial! New users this is a must read! :-)

12-31-2011, 07:08 PM
As I help teach new users of TunerPro I will update this starter tutorial. I have forgotten what is was like at the beginning. This is a very basic tutorial, just enough to get started so you understand the file lingo and what the program can do. For more in depth info start a thread...

TunerPro RT does a lot! It's the only software you need to use for OBDI EFI tuning, but can be a little overwhelming at first because it does so much. So go to TunerPro and download and install the software. TunerPro just makes changes to chip/bin file. TunerPro RT does that and is also a scanner/data logger.

For this start up guide we are going to use TunerPro RT and the 1227747 GM ECM which uses a $42 mask. All ECM/PCM have a mask, they start with $ indicating it's a hex number (you'll learn what a mask is below) as you read this post, really read the whole post first then come back to do it again, then all files needed can be found in this thread in one of the posts, here:

If you would rather use files for your vehicle but don't know which ones? There is a TunerPro Lookup Excel Spreadsheet to help find them here:

OK why do I need a mask to make changes in my chip? Well the file on the chip is called a BIN file, .bin is the extension on the end. It's written in computer languge called binary but usually worked on in hex and It looks like this.

Ok where would you change the idle? Now there are guys here that know how to do this but still use TunerPro because it simplifies the changes because they are using software like TunerPro and a mask file so you can do the hex changes in english.

Let's move on! You have downloaded TunerPro RT and installed it on your computer and opened it!

Well there is a slight learning curve. May as well start by having a folder with originals and a set of duplicates to fall back on because you can change your bin, adx and xdf the way you want. You can also mess them up...

Well with TunerPro RT you have to load a few things. It may take a few times reading this to sink in. All files needed can be found in this thread:

Here's what your need to download, read through then below more instructions how to put them in TunerPro.

First your bin/chip/ASDU.bin

Then you need the mask (xdf) to read the bin in English, not hex, $42-1227747-V3.xdf

Then you need the file for data/scanner (adx) file for the bin/chip/ECM which is the $42-1227747-V3.adx

The data logged is saved in a file with .xdl at end and can be named anything... you do not need this but it is in the thread above so you can see what a data log looks like and play it back to see how your engine is doing and where changes need to be made. It is file named 11-27-11-3.xdl
With TunerPro downloaded and installed open it. Then...

1. CHIP: .bin extension. TunerPro, File, Open Bin. Choose your bin you downloaded and saved. Now your bin is loaded in TunerPro.

2. MASK: .xdf file extension. TunerPro still open, XDF, select your xdf you downloaded and saved, now your mask is loaded in TunerPro. You can now make changes to your chip/bin file.

3. SCANNER/Data Logger: .adx file extension. TunerPro still open, Acquisition, Load Definition file you downloaded and saved . Now your acquisition file is loaded in TunerPro. You can now record data from car. Or play back a data log if you do next step.

4. DATA LOG: .xdl file extension. TunerPro still open, Acquisition, Load Log file.

Here's some more so you don't have to do this each time you close and open TunerPro.

Tools, Preferences, General, check the box to load your last xdf and bin at startup... I have everything on left side checked, right side your choice, I would leave default for now, then over to Data acquisition and Emulation and check load last adx at start up. Now you will have your files ready each time you open. Also if you make a change and forget to save it will remind you if you close it. Maybe you were playing and do not want to save?

I also tell guys to right click on tool bar and check all tool bars! Get used to the buttons, they are the same as going through the menu items.

There's a start! HTH!

You should now be able to play with, change, improve or mess up anything! :rockon:

02-20-2012, 11:07 PM
Common problems with TunerPro USB connections and no data. Read this from Moates.

Common problems with glitchy jumping data with TunerPro V5 and Imported TPV4 ADS file to TPV5 ADX file from Moates.

04-15-2012, 01:51 AM
do you have to have a cable and be hooked to an ecm to be able to read files? i have downloaded the tunerprort and am wanting to just read files on this site to get a feel for it.

04-15-2012, 02:16 AM
Nope load them up, find your bin or a bin and look around. Can also look around data side as well but of course won't see data till your hooked up.

04-15-2012, 02:13 PM
ok still trying to figure that part out.

04-15-2012, 02:49 PM
Gotta be more specific then that... It will also help me remember when I started and maybe I can add to the starter post above.

04-15-2012, 03:24 PM
well i downloaded the program. i came on here and downloaded some bin files for the 427 mask to look at it since that is what i am going with. when i go to the downloaded bin and double click it it opens tunerpro but there is nothing in it. i dont see anything like it did not load. it says it is there at the top. but i am unable to see anything. i think i have clicked on just about every button there.

04-15-2012, 04:09 PM
You also need the mask/XDF to read the bin/chip.

2. MASK: .xdf file extension. TunerPro still open, XDF, select your xdf you downloaded and saved, now your mask is loaded in TunerPro. You can now make changes to your chip/bin file.

Then if you don't see the Paremeter Tree click View, Paremeter tree and then open up Scalers, Flags and Tables.

05-15-2012, 08:52 PM
I think the link to the tutorial should be posted in here http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAA721B5634A4EC45

12-26-2012, 10:15 AM
Where I can find the mask ID for my ECU through BIN file? Or any other way to find out the mask ID?


01-01-2013, 07:15 PM
ok got rid of windows 8 junk. reloaded computer back to windows 7. ahhhhh. then ran thru this tutorial step for step. got my laptop to communicate with the car so i can seee things now. darnit at last. now i need to find all the readings as to what they should be. and find out exactly what i need to try to tune. or better yet do some datalogging and get someone here to burn me a chip. SO.
1. what exactly do i need to burn chips from moates

01-01-2013, 07:27 PM
Depends on the ECM? But a Burn 2 or AutoProm, chip and adapter, your already data logging...

01-28-2013, 10:10 PM
EagleMark, another newbie question..been tuning my '94 Z28 w/flash PCM for a few years with TunerCat. It reads the .bin from the PCM, no problem. I'm Now learning TunerPro and trying to learn how to tune my 1995 Cheyy G20 conversion van ECM 161996395 (7427). Been searching for two days and can't find out how the heck you can read the .bin file off of the ECM. Or if it's even possible. Every tutorial I read assumes you already have a .bin file available to tune, is that how it's done ?

01-28-2013, 11:23 PM
No flash through ALDL on that one. That PCM has a Memcal. You need to pull it out and get a HDR1 from Moates

And a G1 adapter for a flash chip from Moates

Couple 27FS512 chips from Moates

ANd a Burn 2

Or AutoProm

05-09-2013, 05:04 PM
Hello EagleMark. Can you list out the required hardware to read/burn chips from a 7747 PCM like you did for the 7427 above? I'm still on the fence about installing a G2 adapter and using 27FS512 chips. What I really want to be able to do is get my engine running well (20 to 50 burns?) then call it good and pass the equipment on to the next lucky person.

I "think" I need a Burn 2, HDR1, ALDL cable, UV eraser, and software. Is that right?



05-10-2013, 07:15 AM
First is the software, TunerPro RT:

Moates G2 adapter to solder in is the easiest way to burn chips:

Moates 27FS512 chip:

Burn 2:

Cable for data logging:

Or Roberts cable:

The other option for a cable and burner along with an emulator is the AutoProm:

Or to do old UV erase chips a Gq-4x burner: http://www.mcumall.com/comersus/store/comersus_viewItem.asp?idProduct=4312

But I think they are cheaper on eBay... $99

Then some 2732a chips from China:

And a UV eraser for them:

You'll never sell the stuff once you have it and use it! :popcorn:

05-10-2013, 04:57 PM
Thank you for the info. That was awesome. I appreciate the list of UV/Non-UV options.

No wonder I can't find anything used :)

I have a friend who put a TBI on his Toyota inline 6 (FJ40) and wants me to help him get it running better once I have mine done. Maybe there will be a reason for me not to re-sell when I'm done :D

05-13-2013, 03:44 PM
I suppose this is probably a good place for this question. When I'm looking at my VE table in 'Graph' view (the cool heat map!) it's sorta pointed away from me. As in, I can't see on the graph the little places to smooth. Is there a way to rotate the graph?

05-13-2013, 04:08 PM
Right click on the graph, hold right mouse button down while moving the mouse and you can rotate the graph.

Check this thread out it is very helpful.

05-28-2013, 09:36 AM
Hi thanks for the great info....however its not enough to get me going. I just started to get into this i just got my cable for tuner pro rt and have followed your instructions and got all proper files downloaded (hopefully :) but im just trying to figure out what are some of the key areas that i could change to get more hp, torque, and to get better mpg. most of it in its short form makes no sense and i have bin messing around with it for a while and cant seem to figure out what to change how to change it then load it on my vehicles ecu. i know this seems like alot but i really would like to get into this but just dont know where to start............................PLEASE HELP!!!!!

Thanks......Rock On!!!

09-08-2013, 06:03 PM
New to TunerPro and have been reading tutorials here and you-tube.
Hoping this is the correct place to ask this.

Having issues copying the stock bin from my 16168625 PCM memcal with TunerPro and TunerCat.
Results are mixed in bin file sizes between TunerCat readings through the AutoProm, and the reading of the same chip through Craigs Flash & Burn.

Getting 32K bin size using Flash & Burn.
Then getting 64K with TunerCat, same chip?
Both read through Craigs AutoProm.

Same laptop, running Windows 8.

Having more experience with TunerCat, and thus more familiar with it.
But wanting to use TunerPro Registered version. It has much more information, and tuning parameters.

I read out the stock BHAS bin using Craig Moates HDR1 memcal header adapter and Craigs AutoProm and Flash & Burn software.
Choosing the chip size to (read only) 27C512 in the Flash & Burn software.

I can see by looking at other bin files here at this site that 64K looks to be the correct size for my PCM?

However loading the TunerCat read file 64K into TunerPro gives erroneous data, and the reveres is true using TunerCat software and the Flash & Burn 32K file in it?

So where did I turn left, instead of right??

Not wanting to let the smoke out of any of my chips!!!

Thank you,

NE Tennessee

09-08-2013, 06:15 PM
Sorry, forgot to mention that using TunerPro and the bin read through AutoProm (32K) had all data and tables, flags, etc looking normal.
And TunerCat with the file read through it and the AutoProm (64K) all data looked normal there too.

Thank you,
NE Tennessee

09-08-2013, 07:11 PM
TunerPro has the Flash and Burn built in as well. Tools, Hardware Utilities, Moates Prom I/O.

The problem your having is common. Your choosing the chip properly... hopefully... and trusting the offsets are changed properly? They are not. Look at this for proper Offsets:

09-08-2013, 10:46 PM
Yes, That was it!!
So small of a change, so large the error!

Thank you so much!

NE Tennessee

11-04-2013, 12:58 AM
So I have a quick question...

I am using $EE 16191333,16188051 XDF and $EE-Auto-V3, windows xp machine, ebay usb ALDL recommended on this site. Using it to connect to '95 LT1.

When I first installed TunerPro I was able to follow the guides and log some data however the data was glitchy:


Now I can't connect at all. If I try to connect with just the ignition on, I get data errors and the fuel pump relay will kick on for a split second every 4-5 seconds like the ECM is resetting or something. If I connect with the engine running, I just get the data errors?

Any where I can go to read more or fix this problem?


11-04-2013, 03:13 PM
Not sure if this will help, there is a good tutorial for TunerPro RT and the 16188051. There are links to ADX files you will need for your $EE mask. Preset dashboards and settings. One for manual, and one for auto transmissions.


Does the vehicle start and run with the ALDL unplugged?
Which PCM are you trying to data log, and in what kind of vehicle?


11-04-2013, 05:34 PM
Not sure if this will help, there is a good tutorial for TunerPro RT and the 16188051. There are links to ADX files you will need for your $EE mask. Preset dashboards and settings. One for manual, and one for auto transmissions.


Does the vehicle start and run with the ALDL unplugged?
Which PCM are you trying to data log, and in what kind of vehicle?


Like I said, I was able to use some guides to download the masks and ADX files I listed in my first post. And I have successfully connected and saved logs. However, I was getting glitchy data. Now I'm not able to connect at all.

The PCM is a 16188051 'tuned' by lt1swap for a stock 1994 LT1/4L60e out of a camaro that has been transplanted into a 50's Ford. I had a verified bad PCM so lt1swap flashed a replacement PCM with a stock tune that matched my engine/trans and remove annoyances like VATS/EGR etc.

The engine starts and runs fine. The only significant change that has been made since I was able to connect and now is the alternator was not hooked up. I figured that was why I was having data drops (voltage drop) so I got that all squared away, but now I get nothing.


03-28-2014, 03:01 AM
Ok. I found the source of the glitchy data... The harness was trash. After a lot of soldering and heat shrink tubing all is well.

I have two issues though:

1. CEL due to transmission. Its kicking pretty much every code possible and it does not change if I unplug the trans connector. I did a pin to pin continuity test and verified every pin. All is good. While I was fixing the harness I also did a fluid/filter change on the trans. Can low fluid level cause this many bells and whistles? If you look at the log file, change the gear selector does change the pattern of the flags a bit. The connector has some corrosion but it doesnt look bad enough to cause this big of an issue.

2. The ECT sensor is new and I tried a second just to be sure... I verified its function using a resistance table I found here:http://shbox.com/1/4th_gen_tech2.html The ECM is reporting a much higher temperature then it should (like 50-100 degrees F) and is activating the low/high speed fan way early. Is this a programming issue? Should I just cheat it by adding an inline resistor?

3. While watching live data in tunerpro, the cylinder ID field is bouncing around wildly... is this normal?

Here is my log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rr2v7tq62zuzd6c/quick%20dump.xdl


06-27-2014, 03:11 AM
great info, thanks Mark

01-25-2015, 06:32 PM
Hi to all
Have someone mask id for ECM 12242020 (xdf file for zafira 1.6 delco multec ECM) ? Thanks a lot.

02-11-2015, 08:47 AM
Excellent thread. This is exactly what I needed to read to help me get started. I will be reading this over and over before the next step, to let it sink in, as I am a full fledged rookie right now.

04-12-2016, 07:15 PM
Okay, so I dunno if my google-fu is just horrendous this week, but I can't for the life of me find a straight answer on what all I need, and what all I can do, to flash my ECM from a 2000 chev 1500. 16220610.
Everything I keep finding is for OBDi.

Can someone list the hardware/software I'll need to flash out some emissions/antitheft for this ECM?

04-12-2016, 09:20 PM
Okay, so I dunno if my google-fu is just horrendous this week, but I can't for the life of me find a straight answer on what all I need, and what all I can do, to flash my ECM from a 2000 chev 1500. 16220610.
Everything I keep finding is for OBDi.

Can someone list the hardware/software I'll need to flash out some emissions/antitheft for this ECM?

OBDII tuning hardware/software is a bit more pricey than OBDI.

Try looking at this site http://www.moates.net/gm-1996present-efi-live-c-100_58.html

Craig Moates and his team can hook you up with what you need, and point you in the right direction.
A word of caution though....once you get started tuning...........you won't be able to stop!! :yikes:


P.S. A spare PCM wouldn't be a bad thing to have just in case you let the smoke out of the one you have...JMHO :happy:

04-12-2016, 09:28 PM
OBDII tuning hardware/software is a bit more pricey than OBDI.

Try looking at this site http://www.moates.net/gm-1996present-efi-live-c-100_58.html

Craig Moates and his team can hook you up with what you need, and point you in the right direction.
A word of caution though....once you get started tuning...........you won't be able to stop!! :yikes:


P.S. A spare PCM wouldn't be a bad thing to have just in case you let the smoke out of the one you have...JMHO :happy:

Yea, I checked with them, but they seem to be pretty much just pushing EFIlive now. I didn't find anything on their site with regards to getting the job done without paying per-vin licensing fees. I know it can be done, as my regular guy does it for me all the time, but he's secretive about what he's using.

Am I wrong in thinking that I just need the correct cable/adapter and tunerproRT to do what I need? I know for the older ECM's, you had to swap out the eeprom with something flashable, but thought with the 97+, it was simply a matter of setting up your data link, pulling the bin, pairing it up with the appropriate ADX, making your changes and flashing it back (all done with TunerproRT) ?

*edit* Okay, so I actually spoke to Moates support about this. The roadrunner with tunercat apparently used to get the job done, but they no longer sell the RR as the manufacturer of some of the underlying electronics no longer makes it, which I suppose leaves me stuck buying EFIlive at $900, which is absurd when all I need to do is remove some emissions and antitheft.
There's gotta be someone out there who's got a better answer for such a simple job.

04-15-2016, 03:47 PM
I don't know of any way to use TunerPro to do what you want to do. Maybe email Mark and ask him?

TunerCat does offer an alternative to the RR that Craig apparently does not support anymore.
Here is a link to Jegs that sells a system for that, although still a bit pricey at $400


And a link to the Jet website, although they want more money for the same thing sold at Jegs ??

Maybe email TunerCat and ask them for ways to get what you need done. Their support team is good and responsive, at least my experience with them has been good.




04-15-2016, 06:43 PM
Yea, discussed with Tunercat and Moates. Sounds like everyone sold their software or licensed it to the big programmers. Jet seems like the cheapest option, but there is no fucking data sheets on their hardware/software and their website doesn't work at all (404's all over the place). The two sales people I've talked to there have no idea what I'm trying to do, but I'm going to call back again today and see if I can get something figured out.
In the mean time, once again, sent my ECM to LT1swap, as it'll be holding me up otherwise.

04-16-2016, 04:05 PM
There is one more option I know of if you care to build it yourself. You will need decent soldering skills, but it isn't difficult.
MegaSquirt. It has come a long way over the years, and offers kits to do just about anything you want. The already built units are more money..read expensive.

The DIY kits are reasonable.

I built an MS2 about 8 or 9 years ago for an LT1 project I had. It was a lot of tedious soldering, but in the end it completely replaced the LT1 PCM and the OptiSpark distributor.
That distributor was what I was wanting getting rid of, and used a crank pulley mounted trigger wheel.

Your coil over plug system would use your existing CKP signal and keep your sequential injector fire as well.




04-16-2016, 06:27 PM
Okay, so I dunno if my google-fu is just horrendous this week, but I can't for the life of me find a straight answer on what all I need, and what all I can do, to flash my ECM from a 2000 chev 1500. 16220610.
Everything I keep finding is for OBDi.

Can someone list the hardware/software I'll need to flash out some emissions/antitheft for this ECM?

The number you posted (16220610) is the Hardware number - which is probably why you haven't received a greater response to your post. The PCM Service number will be 09354896 (used in 1999 and 2000), the forerunner to the popular 12200411 PCM (used in 2001 and 2002).

Current options for tuning this PCM yourself include LS1Edit, HP Tuners, EFI Live, and JET DST.

Also, this Forum tends to be an older crowd, so dropping F-bombs in your posts will probably lead to being ignored, or eventually banned.

04-16-2016, 08:08 PM
There is one more option I know of if you care to build it yourself. You will need decent soldering skills, but it isn't difficult.
MegaSquirt. It has come a long way over the years, and offers kits to do just about anything you want. The already built units are more money..read expensive.

The DIY kits are reasonable.

I built an MS2 about 8 or 9 years ago for an LT1 project I had. It was a lot of tedious soldering, but in the end it completely replaced the LT1 PCM and the OptiSpark distributor.
That distributor was what I was wanting getting rid of, and used a crank pulley mounted trigger wheel.

Your coil over plug system would use your existing CKP signal and keep your sequential injector fire as well.




Yup. I've long considered a MegaSquirt, but less because it's relatively open and can be modified like a free man, and more out of principle. I do enough swaps now that being able to disable a few emissions and make a few small changes myself has become an issue. I'm not however, doing a lot of major performance tuning to any single vehicle.
Up here in the north, everything is absurdly expensive compared to the US, and most people are just entirely complacent about it, so they either insist it's a "pay to play" thing, or they just don't bother doing fun stuff like engine swaps. When I did my 5.3 swap in the XJ, almost no one in the area had any idea what I was trying to accomplish. Heaps of guys just insisted that the v8 was pointless and/or that it'd take 6-8 months and $20-$30k to complete. Once I finished it and my Jeep had been spotted on the trail a bunch of times, all of a sudden the tone changed and the v8 was no longer pointless, and lots of guys started coming to me wanting input on how to do their own swaps. Now I'm on my third (just finished a 6.0L into the k1500 and just got a 5.3 fitted into my ground up first gen 4runner build), and I've got 10 or 15 guys wanting me to help get them setup, and a big part of that is the simple emissions and antitheft programming. All of the shops in the area want $250+ for this, and none of them really seem to understand what actually needs to be done so it always turns into a big argument with local shops. They also insist that HPtuners VIN credits are $150-$200 each, while I can just look at their website and see that they're only $50, which pisses me off at least a little bit.

I'll probably end up with an MS on the runner eventually, as it'll probably be the first motor I really want to get a little more juice out of, but it doesn't really solve the problem of being able to provide basic engine swap programming.

04-16-2016, 08:15 PM
The number you posted (16220610) is the Hardware number - which is probably why you haven't received a greater response to your post. The PCM Service number will be 09354896 (used in 1999 and 2000), the forerunner to the popular 12200411 PCM (used in 2001 and 2002).

Current options for tuning this PCM yourself include LS1Edit, HP Tuners, EFI Live, and JET DST.

Also, this Forum tends to be an older crowd, so dropping F-bombs in your posts will probably lead to being ignored, or eventually banned.

I have no idea what I'm doing compared to you guys :p. As I said, I'm not completely illiterate with this stuff, but I just don't have the specific experience necessary to speak the language.

I suppose though it seems like my question has been answered. I know there used to be several methods which did not require per-vin licensing, for 99+ LS/LT's, but seems like they've all since been sold/licensed to the big names, who are now charging per-vin. HPtuners seems to be the cheapest (which surprises the hell outta me as the last time I looked at them, they were the most expensive). Their current pricing schedule, as far as I can gather from it, is $50/vin, which I think is completely reasonable.

Thanks guys.

04-16-2016, 08:30 PM
I have no idea what I'm doing compared to you guys :p. As I said, I'm not completely illiterate with this stuff, but I just don't have the specific experience necessary to speak the language.

I suppose though it seems like my question has been answered. I know there used to be several methods which did not require per-vin licensing, for 99+ LS/LT's, but seems like they've all since been sold/licensed to the big names, who are now charging per-vin. HPtuners seems to be the cheapest (which surprises the hell outta me as the last time I looked at them, they were the most expensive). Their current pricing schedule, as far as I can gather from it, is $50/vin, which I think is completely reasonable.

Thanks guys.

For HP Tuners, you normally need to use 2 credits per VIN, so it's closer to $100 (you can get discounted credits). Where it starts getting cheaper is when you unlock model year groups, but you have to do enough of them to make it worth the initial investment.

06-03-2016, 04:08 AM
Here you go, everything you need to know for the ford's


06-19-2016, 05:03 AM
Thank you for compiling all this information in 1 location, I am having problems getting my laptop to communicate with my truck. I am using a win 7 laptop an adapter I bought from ebay that looks similar to the one used in these posts and apparently my truck has a refurbished 7-7747 ECM. The test using settings comes back good without vehicle connected but, I never get a connection when I aquire data so of course the live data feeds never report either. I have checked everything I can think of to recheck any chance I could get some help?

06-30-2016, 04:23 AM
Thanks for this info, Eaglemark. I'm a new user, at present I am only trying to retrieve data from the ECU as I've transplanted a 5.7 smallblock into my 89 S10 and am having some drivability issues I need to resolve. To say Tunerpro has a steep learning curve is an understatement, and I'm an IT guy so I know a thing or two about steep learning curves!

11-13-2016, 02:53 PM
Hi! I'm new in the forum and in the tuner world as well. I'm quite lost as i don't really understand much. I know most of the discusions are about american cars and so but i wonder i i can get to understand how it works...My question as a begginer is, i found the way to get the .bin from the chips in my ecm (vw tdi engine) desoldering the chips and reading the with a machine similar to the burn2 from moates. As i read, i also need the mask (.xdf) and the .adx. well the bin is clear what it is, but the xdf i don't understand clearly, is like the file that determines where and how the data in the bin files should be addressed to be able to be read by a human? and what about the .adx?I'm sorry if the questions a for a very low level on general knowledge.. and terrible english...Thanks

dave w
11-13-2016, 05:52 PM
Hi! I'm new in the forum and in the tuner world as well. I'm quite lost as i don't really understand much. I know most of the discusions are about american cars and so but i wonder i i can get to understand how it works...My question as a begginer is, i found the way to get the .bin from the chips in my ecm (vw tdi engine) desoldering the chips and reading the with a machine similar to the burn2 from moates. As i read, i also need the mask (.xdf) and the .adx. well the bin is clear what it is, but the xdf i don't understand clearly, is like the file that determines where and how the data in the bin files should be addressed to be able to be read by a human? and what about the .adx?I'm sorry if the questions a for a very low level on general knowledge.. and terrible english...Thanks The TunerPro link for VW .xdf files is here: http://tunerpro.net/downloadBinDefs.htm#VW I did not see a .adx file for VW, which is used to monitor and record engine data (spark advance timing, injector pulse width, RPM, Coolant Temperature, and the like) from a running engine. dave w

04-19-2018, 02:48 AM
Hi im having real issues trying to find a .xdf file MMAH0 anyone have one available. Any help appreciated