View Full Version : 454 with 350 tune

06-04-2015, 07:11 PM
The other day I was loading several different bins looking to see how different ones handled mat. I have no idea how I mis switched but I got a 350/4l80e van bin in my apu. Started burb and it ran different but pretty good. Drove down the road just fine but a little lean cruise. My fuel pressure has my injector at 76 and the bin used 61 so I guess the extra partly made up for the difference in displacement. I like the way the 350 bin handled a few things including spark so have swapped some of that into my 464 bin. Thought someone might get a chuckle from this.

06-05-2015, 01:15 AM
I've been surprised in the past when I've accidentally ran 454 tunes on a 350 or vice versa by how well they can run sometimes.