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View Full Version : Opening New TunerPro Instance BUG?

12-24-2011, 11:14 PM
I could not figure out why some things work sometimes and don't work other times. Been driving me nuts!

If you have ever opened a New TunerPro instance you may be having problems with other things now! Here's the issue that started this and how you can check.

Open TunerPro, go to Acquisition, edit definition, expand item views and click on an Item, then click on Add Separator, like this screen shot:

Now go to the separator Text box and click in it and back space out the word separator and it should also backspace out in the item list, like this! If it does this you are OK.

If it does not then you need to Open a New TunerPro Instance and close this one that does not work. Click on Tools, Custom Tools and New TunerPro Instance. Now you will have 2 TunerPros open, close the one this test failed on! If you retest the new Instance of TP it will work!

Do the test above on New Instance of TP and if you closed the right one it will work. You don't know how frustrating this was when I was trying to do things that worked before and now don't? Today I was adding items in xdf for data tracing and they did not work... I remembered this bug and went and tried New Separator text and it did not work! So I opened a new instance of TP closed the first and the data tracing I was working on now worked and so did the separator text, who knows how many other things could be affected? Like guys having problems with emulating? etc...

I have reported this to Mark at TP. There has to be an easier way to see if your TP is original that works or if you had 2 open and closed them the next time you open one all things may not work!

Now if you never open a new instance of TunerPro it will always be the working version. I have tried this several times and always had the working version open that worked and always closed the new instance. Half the time when I open TP it was right half the time it was faulty.

12-25-2011, 02:33 AM
Interesting to say the least, as I have never used another instance, but there are a few things I haven't used yet. I'll have to try this out and see what happens.

Being relatively new to TunerPro poses a question since I couldn't find anything in the help files about using a new TunerPro instance. What exactly can you do in the second instance? Can you upload a completely different bin,xdf, and adx and run it separately from the first? Sorry for the newbie question.:innocent2:

12-25-2011, 05:46 AM
Yes, open up a second and can compare differant files in each. there's lot's of handy things in there that Mark Mansaur the author has not had time to document in help section.

12-25-2011, 08:12 AM
You know now that you made this thread, it reminds of an XDF that I was editing, and no matter how many times I would change XDF and save it when i reopen TP it was not changed. I will try this and see what happens.

12-25-2011, 09:28 PM
I have opened a 2nd instance of tunerpro a few times. I found it handy when comparing the diffrences between a $0D bin and a $0E bin. I also used it when I transfered my timing table from my old 7747 bin over to my current 7427 bin.
I havent noticed any bugs, but I will try what you posted. I usally close the 2nd instance before I do the first one.

12-25-2011, 11:31 PM
It's happened to me again! Even though I am very careful to close New Instance... when you guys have time try the test up top... I'd like to see if it is happening to others.

12-26-2011, 03:17 AM
Well I tried the test a few times, and hasn't worked yet, also the XDF that I was trying to blank a 'new scalar' entry in won't delete the text. does that make sense?

So i opened TP, and deleted the scalar form the XDF list, then copied a blank scalar and pasted it into the spot I wanted blank. saved it, closed and reopened TP, and it was right.

I tried the separator test and the list did not change as I deleted or typed a new title for the separator. But if I saved and reopened 'edit ADX' it was right. So I don't know what is going on.

12-26-2011, 05:31 AM
I tried the separator test and the list did not change as I deleted or typed a new title for the separator. But if I saved and reopened 'edit ADX' it was right. So I don't know what is going on.I just opened a TunerPro and the Separator word retyped. Open new Instance and it would not retype, but like you said it save it right?

Now I have 2 TunerPros that don't work the Separator test? Closed both, opened one, Loaded all new files, didn't work. Closed TP, opened TP, still did not work? Open new TP instance and it worked! So I closed the other. Checked and it is still working. Closed TP, Open TP still working! So for now I think I am not going to use new instance for awhile to get some work done...

12-26-2011, 05:41 AM
I also tried this when Seperator test failed both and loaded new/differant ADX in each, both still did not work. Thought it may be because when you open New Instance it has the same adx opened in 2...

But we have both had problems with XDF as well.

Now I have one that pasted Seperator test, closed TP, open TP Seperator test still works, also my XDF is giving me no problems. Will have to think twice about ever opening another New Instance... May just use notpad when I have to...

I wonder if this was causing dONkeys problem with emulating? Or all the other times I could not get connected to a car, restart computer, move cable? Who knows? But for now if you have one that passes Seperater test seems no issues when adding info to items in XDF for datalogging either.

12-29-2011, 05:25 AM
Well I was working on an adx and needed a new instance of TunerPro to do my work... got it done closed them all.

Hooked up to my LT1 and connection FAILED!!! First time in 30 tests? Huh? Connected again and was just wrong? Tried the separator test and FAIL! Loaded a different adx and then another new instance of TP. Separator test PASSED! Closed other one, loaded the $EE for the LT1 and like always connected first shot!

So Greg and I have found issues with working on XDF and separater test failed, now connecting to record data failed... so this test needs to be done if your having connection problems for data logging now too! Still have not heard if dONkeys emulating issue was this? He said his AutoProm was bad and sent back... just wondering?

01-01-2012, 06:00 PM
Ok, I finally had time to fire up the laptop and give this test a try.
Started tunerpro and ran your test exactly as discribed. It failed. So I open a new instance, close the old one, and run the test again. It fails again?? Open a new instance, close the other one, run test again, still fails???
Apparently either this is not a 100% accurate test. Or mine is either working properly on all instances, or not working properly on all instances. Could it be that I am using windows xp and your running 7?
I have not had any major problems, but you also do a lot more with tunerpro than I do.

The only thing that pops into my head that doesnt seem to work, is when datalogging and having the dash pulled up, no matter what I do, no matter how hard, fast, or the ammount I push down on the gas pedal, I have never seen the PE box say active. AE says active all the time when I am gooseing or hitting the throttle, but PE NEVER says active.

01-01-2012, 06:17 PM
There may be an issue with your adx and the PE not working... start a thread and we will look at it.

I don't know if this issue is specific to Windows 7 Your having problems in XP so for now it does not look like it's the PC operating sytem issue.

But you are failing the seperator test, I have opened a new instance and still failed! Open TP and change your ADX to another file, Load it, do not get it from recent files. Try test, if it fails open new instance, try test with whatever adx comes up, if it fails load new adx, try seperater test. I have had to go this far to pass before. Then close old instance of TP. Seperator test should still pass, load your normal adx, still should work. It should now be the only TP open, close it and when you open it next time seperater test will work...

If I figure an easier way I will sure post it. But let me tell you how much better my TP works when I have one open that passes this test!!! When I am setting up data tracing files they instantly work! Before, even if I saved ADX and XDF they would still not work until I closed TP and opened it again, make a change and they would not work until I closed TP and opened it again.

So there's a lot more to this then simply the Seperater not working properly! That is just how I found this problem...

01-02-2012, 01:50 AM
I tried again, still not working. Tried a diffrent ADX, actually I tried every one I had, all failed. I went to tunerpro and downloaded a few more random ones and tried them. They didnt pass this test either. I think I opened like 100 diffrent instances.
So what now?
Is there anyone else out there running tunerpro on windows XP? If you can do this test please post up if you pass or fail.

01-02-2012, 02:33 AM
That is strange? I can always make one work... then it will work forever until I open an new instance and do some work, if I am careful I test one and if it works I close the other, or vice versa...

02-21-2012, 06:14 AM
That is strange? I can always make one work... then it will work forever until I open an new instance and do some work, if I am careful I test one and if it works I close the other, or vice versa...Well I take that back, I failed on 2 TunerPros today? closed first and opened a third from second one and loaded a ADX file I have not used in a long time and the seperator test pasted!

I have narrowed it down to somehow TunerPro has a cache of files, you can see it when you load aqcusistion file. Here is a quote of what happened to me last couple days...

Recently I made changes to an ADX file and next time I opened they were not there, so I made the changes again, saved as new file name still not there? Made changes again, saved with another file name, reloaded, still not there? got fed up and opened in EditPad, same as Notpad but better for CGI scripts I work on... and the changes were there? Closed all programs restarted computer opened TunerPro loaded ADX file changes not there??????? :mad1:

I have now narrowed down the issue to something in software they saves ADX file in cache or? so I changed my setting in TunerPro Tools, Preferences, Data Aqusition and UNCHECKED the box for load last ADX at startup. Now when I start TunerPro there is no last adx file and I have to load one. So I open it and change is not there? :mad1:

I open it in EditPad and the change is there? Close EditPad and open TP now with no last ADX file loaded at startup so I have to load one but don't see the little blue thing at bottom loading it? Check adx and change is not there? Open in EditPad and change is there? So somewhere in TunerPro it has a cache of ADX files, you can see recently used adx files when choosing to load ADX file.

So I don't know?

02-22-2012, 09:54 PM
This would be a pain to set up but...

You could run a separate copy of Windows on your pc. You would run the second copy of TurnerPro in the second copy of windows. Both copies of Windows would run at the "same" time. The second copy of windows appears in a window. Since you would be running the second copy of Turnerpro in a virtual box, there wouldn't be any interference between the copies of Turnerpro.

Get Virtual Box. Install Windows in the virtual box.

It's not as bad to use as trying to understand all the technical terminalogy on the web page.


02-22-2012, 10:39 PM
Although a good idea I have enough issues with one Windows!!!!!

I have dasktop and laptop so I can run two TunerPro RT. the new instance really helps when working on 2 adx files and can cut and paste from one to another, same with XDF. But as my last post decribes, I don't think this is a new instance issue anymore? I think it is an adx issue and some kinf or virtual memory used by TP. Because the changes are there in notspad, but when I open same file in TP they are not?

Mark at TP emailed me as to location of ADX and XDF files stored and they should not be in program file with TP. Mine are not.

02-23-2012, 12:17 AM
There was some difficulty I ran across when you took the opportunity inside of TurnerPro to save an adx file with a new name. I'd expect TurnerPro to continue working with the new name, but it continued working with the old name & the changes made were lost.

This may have had something to do with being in monitor. Adding a new line of data. Going to adx edit. Making some changes to color of line. Then, changing the name. Happened twice.

Of course, I stopped using save as a new name in TurnerPro rt 5 for adx.

I've been meaning on trying to narrow this down.


02-23-2012, 03:45 AM
But when I saved with new name, new file changes were done in notepad, old file was still same in notepad. But when opened new file in TP changes were not there?

I can't stop saving as new name because I work on to many files and want origanal! If I only worked on one car I would never have this issue...

02-23-2012, 07:41 AM
Mark at TunerPro said we may have found 2 separate issues. He has been able to duplicate separator test fail once but when he added a debugger it would not fail, but he saw it and is working on it.

He informed me there is no cache in TunerPro! So my guess there was wrong. My files are saved outside TunerPro Program Files so that is right. Sent him the adx files I was having issue with so he can test them exactly in process I did trying to duplicate the issue.

Nice to have this kind of support in software!!! Thanks Mark Mansaur! :thumbsup:

Anyone running TunerPro without paying the small fee of $39 for this kind of top end customizable software? :yikes:

Shame on you! Pay up! :rockon:

02-23-2012, 07:23 PM
We did find 2 issues with TP. Seperator issue was unknown but can't be duplicated in next updated version of TP already being worked on!

My version I was entering was to long and that is fixed in next update of TP.

No date set for next TP update version.

Thanks Mark at TunerPro! :thumbsup: