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View Full Version : TunerPro Mode 10 – Clear Malfunction Error Codes

12-21-2011, 03:29 AM
Here's one I've been looking at for awhile and had no idea what it did? Most ads and adx files have a Mode 10 in the commands and I just thought it was there to make it work? I had know idea what the commands did nor did I care? The program works great for all my data logging, and tuning bin files.

So anyway we had a long thread on how do you really make an ads file? ads is what TunerPro used before version 5 and it is what the original ALDL.ds file is converted to. ALDL.ds files are available from vehicle manufactures so scan tools can be made to work. Well TunerPro is also a scan tool!

Then in TunerPro V5 it uses a more user friendly adx file that for the most part can be edited in notepad. TunerPro V5 also has an Import function for ads file that instantly converts it to and adx and prompts you to save it as an adx, then stays open in TunerPro ready to use.

So how do you use TunerPro Mode 10 – Clear Malfunction Error Codes to clear your error codes? I'll show you here. Usually this is done before a data log, after a repair to fix an error code or after data logging so your already hooked up to car... open TunerPro and click on Acquisition, then Edit Definition and this box will pop up!

Then click on the Commands button to show all commands. Most basic adx files will show a Mode 10 Macro last. I noticed in the $OD $OE etc V250 files 93V8S10 made they say Clear Trouble Codes Macro. I named mine here Clear Codes Data. Doesn't matter what it is named as long as it's the Mode 10 Macro.

Click on the arrow on monitor box and choose your Clear Code/Mode 10 Macro and choose it.

Then your ready to clear codes if it's the right command in this box. Not much you can screw up if you picked the wrong one so don't worry...

Now your ready! Well if you were already hooked up to your car recording data... do this at the end if you have a code you set or fixed or... So your hooked up with cable from laptop to car. Disconnected when you set this all up, Clear Codes Mode 10 Macro in Monitor box, Key on, I did mine with engine running because that is how my Scan tool will do it. So Key on, engine running is an option. Click Connect! It only takes a second or so. Then disconnect.

Go back and set your Monitor box to whatever it uses to monitor engine data. Mine says Engine Data but most are Mode 1 Message 0 Macro. Also most ECM have none in connection but the LT1 adx I am using here for reference needs a connection macro.

Connect to engine data and check your codes, they are gone! :rockon:

01-07-2012, 10:58 PM
With that method you must edit the definition each time you switch back and forth from monitoring data.
TP now has the ability to send this command from a selection box at the top of the window.

To do this from a "Send Command" box you must first edit the "Send" command and ensure the "Manually Sendable" box is checked.
Then edit the "Macro" to also check the "Manually Sendable" box.
Put a check mark in the "Break on Success" and Fail boxes.
Otherwise TP will stop communicating because the command never ends.
I am going to verify this works again once I put my motor back in (long story there!)


01-07-2012, 11:54 PM
I think we talked about something like that elsewhere but I never did get to try it.? This is not that hard, but what your saying is Like this?


02-21-2012, 03:29 AM
wanting to learn more about the capabilites of tprtv5 .an having a reoccuring error code thought i would give this a try. i set this up as EagleMark described an was able to clear my error code .
nice sure beats disconnecting the battery.then i tryed to follow along with what Jp suggested

TP now has the ability to send this command from a selection box at the top of the window.To do this from a "Send Command" box you must first edit the "Send" command and ensure the "Manually Sendable" box is checked.Then edit the "Macro" to also check the "Manually Sendable" box.Put a check mark in the "Break on Success" and Fail boxes.Otherwise TP will stop communicating because the command never ends.I am going to verify this works again once I put my motor back in (long story there!) Jp

it took a minute to sink in

" what send command box at the top of the window."
oh its not in the adx editor. its in the main task bar of tunerpro, .if you dont see it ,close the adx editor an click on view then click toolbars an check data acquisition send command then you will see it on the task bar.


02-21-2012, 03:49 AM
now open adx editor. click on commands, then click on mode 10 (clear malf codes) macro an check the manually sendable while monitoring box. then click save.


02-21-2012, 04:11 AM
after saving the adx nothing happened..why you would think something would show up in the drop down menu next to the send button on the task bar. oh, we are not monitoring .
if you want to see it when your not monitoring you have to check the while not monitoring box.


02-21-2012, 04:34 AM
i also checked the break on success, an fail boxes an put 1 in the entry repeat count box, an saved.as you can see in the picture. when i reopen the editor the boxes are blank.what im i doing wrong? this is as far as ive gotten with this an havent had a chance to try it out.


02-21-2012, 06:08 AM
We have found some glitches in saving adx files before and things not working properly.

Recently I made changes to an ADX file and next time I opened they were not there, so I made the changes again, saved as new file name still not there? Made changes again, saved with another file name, reloaded, still not there? got fed up and opened in EditPad, same as Notpad but better for CGI scripts I work on... and the changes were there? Closed all programs restarted computer opened TunerPro loaded ADX file changes not there??????? :mad1:

I have now narrowed down the issue to something in software they saves ADX file in cache or? so I changed my setting in TunerPro Tools, Preferences, Data Aqusition and UNCHECKED the box for load last ADX at startup. Now when I start TunerPro there is no last adx file and I have to load one. So I open it and change is not there? :mad1:

I open it in EditPad and the change is there? Close EditPad and open TP now with no last ADX file loaded at startup so I have to load one but don't see the little blue thing at bottom loading it? Check adx and change is not there? Open in EditPad and change is there? So somewhere in TunerPro it has a cache of ADX files, you can see recently used adx files when choosing to load ADX file.

So I don't know?

02-23-2012, 10:35 PM
ok Mark , its good to hear that im not doing something wrong.

in your post you mention that the change can be seen in editpad..

with that in mind.

in the example above do you think by checking the boxes an saving.

that the action should work as intended ,even though

the boxes are blank when the adx is reopened.


02-23-2012, 11:59 PM
My problem was found to be specific to version name being to long and already fixed for next update. Would have nothing to do with your issue.

But have you done the Seperater test? For some reason it has been linked to other things but can not be duplicated in next TP update in works!

And we are still not sure if it is because you opened a new instance of TP! But it does have to do with changing files?

Where are you saving your files? Do not save them in the same folder as the TunerPro program! Save them elsewhere like My Documents.

02-24-2012, 12:02 AM
Wait a minute!!! Change your version name to something shorter, take out the PCM number, save $2E-V1.3. Try again. This is the version name being to long that caused this issue!!!

This has already been fixed for next update!

02-24-2012, 03:04 AM
i havent done the seperator test, i started to read the instance thread ,but halted on error ,when i read instance.wasnt sure what it is. ill spend some time an read thru it.
the program is in c/ program files/ tprt
but the files are located in documents/ tuner pro files
an this is where i have been saving them .
documents/ tuner pro files/ data streams
i dont remember if i put the folder in documents or if tprt did when i installed the program . im using windows vista.

anyway i hit save as ,renamed the adx codes an saved in favorites .then loaded it checked the boxes an saved. then loaded it an the boxes are unchecked :mad1:

02-24-2012, 03:21 AM
ok i did the seperator test .and it did back out on both sides.

02-24-2012, 03:36 AM
for the mode 10 commands, you don't need the "break on ..." boxes to be checked.

at least i've never needed it.

02-24-2012, 05:36 AM
Sounds like your files are in OK spot too! Yes TunerPro makes that folder.

Where are you saving/loading the ADX from? From the quoted description, it
sounds like you may be saving in the Program Files directory, which results in
the file actually being saved in the virtual store
(c:\users\<username>\appdata\local\virtualstore\program files\ ...

When you re-load it from program files, you’re not loading the file from
the proper place (you saved it in the virtual store, but you’re loading it from
program files).

This is why TunerPro installs the sample files to the documents directory.
The program files directory should not be used as a user file store.

But you may have found another glitch if you can't save them with new version. I don't mean file name I mean version when you open Edit Acqusision you will see Robert Saar Author and Version. The version I was giving it was to long (Mark at TP fixed it for next update to allow more digits and stop if you go over! Double safety.) that is where you need to make a change, save as differant file name, reload new saved file then try to make changes.

02-24-2012, 09:44 PM
you re right Robert i was able to clear an error code as described above from the send command .
then continue to stream data after .worked great. :thumbsup: