View Full Version : Trying to Datalog 1987 TPI IROC with TurnerPro

03-27-2015, 05:52 PM
As the title says I'm trying to start off easy with just a datalog before any attempt of tuning is started. I've been working with a member on the Thirdgen.org site (and maybe this site) to learn how to complete a datalog. With his help so far I have purchased the Moates ALDL cable and resister box, I have installed TunerPro RT on my laptop and downloaded a $32B file from both this forum and directly from the TunerPro site. This is where the train runs off the rails.

So far I have not gotten beyond the step where I ask TunerPro to Start a Data scan. The box at the bottom changes from "DA: Not Connected" to "DA: Connecting" but that is it and nothing happens. I have checked the stupid stuff like wiggling wires and restarting the computer and car etc. I've also tried the $32B files from both sites and read over the FAQ's on TunerPro.

Through my contact on the Thirdgen forum this site and other research I have noted that the ECM on my IROC is "unstable" at best. Some have said it could be my HP laptop that uses Windows 7. Either way I'm stuck at the starting line wondering what I should try next. The idea of using "Datamaster" to datalog has also been floated to me but given how highly everyone seems to speak of TurnerPro I want to make this work. I should also note I'm starting with the IROC but I also plan to use TunerPro on my 1993 TBI GMC truck when I change that motor in a year or so.

Is there anyway that I can create a more "stable" interface between the IROC's ECM and TunerPro?

*** Mods I picked the GM EFI forum vs. the TurnerPro forum because I believe the IROC's ECM is the issue, if you think it should be moved feel free to do so, Thanks ***

dave w
03-28-2015, 02:33 AM
I think Datamaster has a free trial version, if so give it a try.

I'm wondering what your "Device Manger" settings are for your com port?

dave w

03-28-2015, 06:22 AM
I forgot to note that in the first post. So I've been in the Preferences and I have the Port Number set at "COM4". I only have COM3 and COM4 as options and when I "test for valid interface using settings" the COM3 shows an error and the COM4 says the cable is installed and working. When I first downloaded the software I also had COM1 but that has stopped showing up.

dave w
03-28-2015, 08:44 AM
I've had to go into "Device Manager" and update the ALDL USB driver to get TunerPro RT to connect. I wonder if that is what is happening with your configuration.

dave w

03-28-2015, 02:15 PM
Oops, "device manager" in windows. Not sure, I'll check today in the garage when I have the cable plugged in and report back. - Thanks

03-28-2015, 02:40 PM
You've mentioned the bin child but have not mentioned what adx you're using. Make sure things is correct for your application. Also flip the 10k resistor switch to the 10k ohm posposition (for the IROC ECM).

03-29-2015, 06:28 AM
Six-shooter, thanks for the message I have switched the resistor to the 10k ohm position so I'm good there. Regarding the adx file I'm a little fuzzy as this is all very new to me. The file I downloaded was a $32B.ads file which I then converted in TunerPro RT when I selected "Import Definition" and it converted my ads file to a adx file. I also downloaded a 1227165.adx file but that is just sitting in a folder doing nothing right now.

It's because of good news but I never got to check the device manager idea today because my sister had a little baby boy so I spent some time with the family. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get out to the garage and get a handle on things for the device manager.

Thanks to all - George

03-30-2015, 12:00 AM
I'm in the garage and I found some time to mess with the IROC and my computer. So the computer correctly recognizes that COM3 has the USB plugged in however there is a yellow "!" saying I need the driver. I asked the computer to search and it came up empty. I checked the Moates site and they have a link to get the driver but there is where it falls apart. I went to the link and it seems semi-clear which file I need for Windows 7 and I grabbed that file and dropped it in a folder I have for tuning on my desktop. I then asked the device manager to look for the file and tried to show it where the file is but the extension must be different than what is correct or I've downloaded the wrong file. I feel like I'm getting closer but still so far away.

Any thoughts on what driver I might need for the Moates cable.


dave w
03-30-2015, 12:30 AM
Maybe try running (run .exe) the Moates.net driver install directly from the website, with the ALDL cable plugged in to the computer.

dave w

03-30-2015, 01:27 AM
Okay, plugging the ALDL cable made a difference on the driver install. (The yellow "!" is gone next to the USB icon in the device manager) It also appears in the device manager that the cable is plugged into and working in COM5 now. I checked in TunerPro RT and it says that COM 4 & 5 are functioning correctly but COM 3 is not, however I've tried to connect via all three COM ports and I still just get the pinkish "DA: Connecting" box in the bottom tool bar. I'm about to go in for the night to get dinner but I suppose I feel like I'm a little closer today.

It seems stupid but I guess I should just double check something... When I try to start the data acquisition I just have the key in the on position on the IROC, it's not running just on. Is that okay?

03-30-2015, 02:12 AM
Yes, you should be able to connect anytime the ignition is on. Sometimes this is used as a diagnostics for noise to see if a connection can be made with the engine off, if it won't while the engine is running.

dave w
03-30-2015, 03:12 AM
Maybe you need to set the preferences like this screen shot?

dave w

04-01-2015, 05:39 PM
Dave - I checked my preferences and there are a couple that are different than what you show. For example I don't have any of the "file associations" marked like you have on your image and second "table editor options" is set as Absolute rather than Diff. (edit-compare). Not sure if those changes will make a difference but I'll check in the garage tonight.


04-02-2015, 09:34 PM
I'm sounding like a broken record and I hate being a pest. Last night I made the suggested adjustments and asked TunerPro to once again connect to the IROC with no success. I know the ECM for this car is unstable but I'm still not sure if it's the car or the user (me) that is making this so tough. I have a friend nearby that used TunerPro RT for his Typhoon, he has offered to help but I won't be able to see him for a few weeks. In the mean time are there any other ideas or should I just give up on TunerPro for this car and try Datamaster?


dave w
04-02-2015, 10:12 PM
At this point, I suggest trying DataMaster to verify hardware. In the past, I've had good results with DataMaster.

dave w

04-03-2015, 12:23 AM
Maybe try using Tunerpro on the 93 TBI truck, easy PCM/ECM to connect with.

04-30-2015, 10:23 PM
The weather is nice so I've been working out in the yard therefore I still need to play with Datamaster on the 1987 IROC. brian617 noted above to try TunerPro on the 1993 GMC. This is the same advise I got from my initial contact that suggested I use TunerPro in the first place... I didn't listen but now I'm more willing to check my luck with the truck. I poked around here and I'm sure the file exists but I can't seem to get my fingers on the right file for the truck. Can anyone point me to or give me the file for a 1993 GMC C1500 with a 305 motor, automagic trans and 3.42 rear.


05-01-2015, 01:14 AM
Need the number off the ECM/PCM.

05-01-2015, 03:31 PM

When I first started to mess with TunerPro, I wasn't able to connect with my computer either, I was finally able to figure it out after coming here and reading/lurking for a while. I have the same ECM as your IROC in my Monte SS (1227165 if that is what you have), and I also have a 93 C1500 (350). I just went thought the same thing you are fighting, with Windows 7. I have it on a Dell though. If you cannot get your truck to connect, post it here and I'll PM you my number. Maybe since we have similar vehicles and operating systems I can help you.


05-01-2015, 08:59 PM
The ECM has a sticker with 16168625 and 16186185, does one of these sound correct for the 1993 GMC?

Thanks for the offer, I'll try the truck and then I might get back to you... I didn't realize datamaster cost as much as it does, it may be worth it in the end but it motivates me to try everything with TunerPro first.

dave w
05-01-2015, 10:41 PM
I didn't realize datamaster cost as much as it does, it may be worth it in the end but it motivates me to try everything with TunerPro first.

I used to use DataMaster TTS, that was several years ago. TunerPro RT has greatly improved in those years, DataMaster TTS has not updated in a very long time!

dave w

05-01-2015, 10:59 PM
The ECM has a sticker with 16168625 and 16186185, does one of these sound correct for the 1993 GMC?

8625 Yes.


The same hardware as 7427 so I would recommend the $0D ADX as it is more complete.


05-05-2015, 10:51 PM
Brian - Thanks for the links to the files. On the first link provided which relates to the (8625) ECM number I don't see my truck which is the 1993 GMC 305 gas engine with a 4-sp automagic trans and 3.42 rear. Since it seems the second link you sent for the (7427) was a possible option I downloaded a file off the selection in that list which matches my truck. It seems the difference between the two ECM numbers is the truck model year so I assume there is no change required when I use the file from the second link with my 1993 truck.


05-06-2015, 02:02 PM
Do you know what the four letter BCC code is on your truck? That will tell you which mask it is $0E $0D $E6 $31. However if you just want to data log the $0D ADX works for all those masks and it is the most complete. Also any of those masks will work in either the 8625 6395 and 7427 PCM.

05-06-2015, 04:29 PM
Brian... Currently I'm just looking to datalog but in the interest of education would the four letter code also be printed on the ECM. When I checked the other day I took a picture of the ECM and there is a four lettler code of "BDFL". Thanks

05-06-2015, 07:35 PM
Yes sir that is it! being a 93 model its probably been superseeded to a new BCC.