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View Full Version : jet dynamic spectrum tuner help

12-24-2014, 09:06 AM
Anyone with experience with Dynamic spectrum tuner software? I'm gonna need it for a few projects involving 96-97 L31's and Im looking for a lil guide or walkthrough.

12-24-2014, 04:00 PM
It's extremely close to Tunercat. I have TC but there probably aren't too many others. I don't really do walkthroughs and your software might be a little different from mine, too. But I'll answer whatever questions I can. You need to download the file from the pcm with the flash or write tool, then open the file in the tuner to make changes. After you've saved the modified file you write it back to the pcm with the flash software.

Are you using the stock black box pcm's? People find they don't have enough flexibility for really custom projects and switch to the 0411.

12-24-2014, 04:23 PM
It's extremely close to Tunercat. I have TC but there probably aren't too many others. I don't really do walkthroughs and your software might be a little different from mine, too. But I'll answer whatever questions I can. You need to download the file from the pcm with the flash or write tool, then open the file in the tuner to make changes. After you've saved the modified file you write it back to the pcm with the flash software.

Are you using the stock black box pcm's? People find they don't have enough flexibility for really custom projects and switch to the 0411.

I have noticed driveability improvements in stock and near stock setups with the 0411 swap.

12-24-2014, 06:12 PM
Do you find enough improvement to recommend it for otherwise stock vehicles?

12-25-2014, 06:47 AM
Well I was planning on getting OBDII software to tune newer ecm's and I've had a lot of people asking locally for 96-97 tuning cause hp tuners doesn't support it.

12-25-2014, 08:01 AM
Nevermind that software has very lil support and potential, 411 swap it is. Any good swap guides you recommend?

12-26-2014, 02:47 PM
Many people are disappointed that Tunercat no longer sells or supports his own tuner. JET apparently bailed out after buying the distribution rights.

I believe you can find a very good 0411 swap guide written by member Lextech.

12-26-2014, 03:33 PM
Many people are disappointed that Tunercat no longer sells or supports his own tuner. JET apparently bailed out after buying the distribution rights.

I believe you can find a very good 0411 swap guide written by member Lextech.
John at Tunercat fully supports his product. He has some of the best support of of all the tuning suites.

You can still purchase Tunercat 2 in the form of Tunbercat Realtime OBD2 along with a Road runner emulator.
John sold partial TC2 rights to Jet, so that he could support his current OBD1 and OBD2 customer bases.

If you know how to tune there's nothing wrong with the Jet version,, but I prefer the unlimited no extra charge tuning of Tunercat 2. SPend $80 for a VDF and you can literally tune thousads of like vehicles for no extra charge.


12-26-2014, 08:49 PM
If you still haven't purchased Jet DST, please don't. I have it and it's the worst piece of crap I have ever bought.
The software is good, but the support is non-existent. No one will ever answer any email. It's VIN locked and you can only tune 6 vehicles with one cable (after sending the cable to Jet for 2 additional licenses).
Better do a 411 swap and buy HPtuners

12-26-2014, 10:23 PM
Maybe I should try and find a used Jet cable to play with.

01-20-2015, 02:56 AM
Tuner Cat and Jet are the same entity, so saying Jet is a pos is saying Cats is also. There is nothing wrong with either and they do their purpose. For unlimted tuning with Jet just purchase a AVT-852 cable and you can use it as a pass through with jet (unlimited flashing).

01-20-2015, 06:56 AM
I have most ls1 based tuning software. If you need help post the file up. I'm sure members will help. Our email me the file doctortuned@gmail.com.

01-20-2015, 02:25 PM
Tuner Cat and Jet are the same entity, so saying Jet is a pos is saying Cats is also. There is nothing wrong with either and they do their purpose. For unlimted tuning with Jet just purchase a AVT-852 cable and you can use it as a pass through with jet (unlimited flashing).

I understand the OP's position. There's a lot to learn about tuning and if it feels like there's no support for the software then it's a waste of money to buy it.
Have you bought an AVT-852 cable? Who sells them?

01-21-2015, 03:20 AM
Yes i have a AVT cable and i got mine from AVT. http://www.avt-hq.com/price.htm#AVT-852

I also have a lot of gear

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10690055_10153095666484015_5120652895018278471_n.j pg?oh=bd02b3c917a5726624b0958bcda5fdf1&oe=552A24A4&__gda__=1433128945_45fa38148df11012808393a5eb0854f 6

01-21-2015, 05:59 AM
Once upon a time AVT wouldn't sell to individuals. Has that changed?

01-21-2015, 08:26 PM
Once upon a time AVT wouldn't sell to individuals. Has that changed?

Bought the cable first week of this month. And I don't own a shop our business.

01-21-2015, 11:50 PM
Thanks for that.

01-22-2015, 07:28 PM
Tuner Cat and Jet are the same entity, so saying Jet is a pos is saying Cats is also. There is nothing wrong with either and they do their purpose. For unlimted tuning with Jet just purchase a AVT-852 cable and you can use it as a pass through with jet (unlimited flashing).
I have both and they have very different support.
I had issues and never got help from Jet. On the other hand, TC has great support, fast email responses and outstanding customer care.

Do you care to elaborate on using Jet with the AVT cable? A few years ago I tried that but didn't work.
I tried using Jet flash with AVT cable but it doesn't work, it will not read or write. I can read a calibration using AVT and winflash, Jet will open and edit the file but can only save as .jst which winflash will not open.

How do you do that?

01-24-2015, 11:35 PM
I must have misinterpreted what you said. I thought you were talking about the 2 software's being different and one pos, I can understand customer service being shit on Jets end.

I bought the AVT cable to use with Cats obd2 myself and it works fine for it, I was told by many other peers of mine it will also work as a passthrough for Jet as well. I will give Jet a try here in a few days and see what it does on my end. I have tested Tuner Cats and the LS1 vin change software both working fine.

01-25-2015, 01:46 AM
I bought the AVT cable to use with Cats obd2 myself and it works fine for it, I was told by many other peers of mine it will also work as a passthrough for Jet as well. I will give Jet a try here in a few days and see what it does on my end. I have tested Tuner Cats and the LS1 vin change software both working fine.
I'm positive the AVT cable doesn't work with Jet. If it did it would defeat the protection they put on it, because Jet includes all the definitions when you install the software. The protection is in Jet's interface which will not allow read/write to the PCM if the VIN is not licensed. If you could read/write with Jet and AVT cable you could tune any vehicle supported by Jet/TC without paying.

TC's Winflash allows full read/write access to any supported PCM, you only need to supply the .Cal file when flashing. The protection is in the editor, it will not open a .cal if you don't buy the definition. It will not open Jet files for editing or flashing.
Jet flash only lets you read/write a PCM if it's licensed. The editor lets you open and modify any .jcl or .cal file but only saves as .jcl (so you can't save a file as .cal and flash it with winflash and avt).

I'll do more testing to see if I missed something, but I think the folks at TC/Jet did a good job to protect their work.

01-28-2015, 07:43 PM
I did more testing and as I said, Jet Flash will not work with an AVT cable, this is the error it gives when I tried to read a PCM using my AVT cable

01-31-2015, 11:22 PM
Monte, I am getting the same error. This blows. Well CATS is a better solution and Tuner Pro with the AVT still.