View Full Version : RPM Datalog

10-28-2014, 08:29 PM
I have been datalogging my car at the track and have noticed that the highest RPM it logs is 6375. My car definitely has a higher rpm than that when running down the track. Is there a limit in TunerPro RT that will not allow it to read a higher RPM? Is this something I can change?

10-29-2014, 01:01 AM
255 (the maximum value of an 8 bit integer) is 6375 if it's using RPM/25 like most gm ecms seem to

in many masks, RPM is stored as a 16 bit integer in the ECM capable of higher resolution and higher rpm, but converted to an 8 bit (RPM25) integer for the datastream.

if you can find where it stores it as a 16 bit integer, you could modify your datastream to output it as two 8 bit integers.

10-29-2014, 09:38 PM
I understand a little of what you said but I would not know where to look to get that done. I wonder if anyone has done this before.

01-13-2015, 09:03 PM
Over 6375 it will use the values in VE for 6375 and same on SA. May not make much difference. Probably more important for SA at high MPH and then should be reduced. Not sure if your def file supports that.

01-14-2015, 12:07 AM
I have been datalogging my car at the track and have noticed that the highest RPM it logs is 6375. My car definitely has a higher rpm than that when running down the track. Is there a limit in TunerPro RT that will not allow it to read a higher RPM? Is this something I can change?
What mask are you using? If $8d, S_AUJP v5 uses and reports RPM up to 7969.