View Full Version : Sudden surge and a backfire

09-29-2014, 02:03 AM
So I was driving and everything looked average on my dashboard on tunerpro rt when the rpms on my truck's dash rose 300rpm and I heard a backfire. My blms are in the high 130's an I do know I have some blow by on my passenger side.

09-29-2014, 06:17 AM
130 is getting lean, fuel delivry slow or out of tune.... post a log!

09-29-2014, 06:23 AM
Hey eagle Mark welcome back man.

Here is the log btw you see the surge close to the end, I had already increased fuel thru the ve table by 10 percent I'm gonna get a new fuel filter put it and while I'm at it the fuel pressure gauge adapter to measure the pressure and see how my flow is doing7866

09-30-2014, 02:50 AM
So the fuel filter was caked up with sludge I'm guessing from the gas I picked up last week, which is when the issues started. Put a new filter in and checked the pressure right after the fuel filter and its at 8psi. I'm gonna do a new tune with a modified injector flow to the new lower injector flow and catalog the results.

09-30-2014, 08:55 PM
ell started the truck this morning and it has a very rough idle I tried reading the fuel pressure but my gauge isn't picking up anything above 4psi. Gonna take it in an hour to the mechanic so he can help me check the fuel pump and if it is then I'll get some 10 gauge wire and install the spare aeromotive 340 stealth fuel pump.

09-30-2014, 11:03 PM
if your filter was that clogged i bet your pump sock is in just as bad of shape. might just need to drain the tank, clean the sock, put it back together...

10-01-2014, 12:58 AM
The pressure cuts every so often and since I'm taking the fuel tank off I'm gonna install the aeromotive 340 fuel pump while I'm at it I just finished running the wiring for the power supply just waiting on my friend to come to help me remove the tank and change the pump

10-01-2014, 03:45 AM
Update, I wired it all and checked the pump once more and the fuel pressure was a perfect 13psi no dips no shaking nothing but the truck was still acting up as if lacking fuel. I took the air cleaner cover off and sure enough one of my passenger side injector wasn't firing. We switched the connections to see if it was a short or the injector and the injector ran. Passenger fuel injector pigtail had no current. I remembered that I had had a short a week ago or so that killed my power seat and my power door locks so we decided to remove the ostrich 2.0 and install the chip back in there.
It ran perfect, I'm not sure if maybe it was the bin that something on it was wrong or if maybe the short messed up the ostrich and I'll have to get a replacement.
Attached is the bin I was using see if maybe any of you spot something I didn't.7875