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View Full Version : Enable data Tracing in TunerPro How To!

12-03-2011, 02:19 AM
TunerPro RT implements a feature that allows you to correlate data acquisition data with bin parameters in real-time. This feature is useful for quickly identifying problem areas in a tune and the parameters responsible for the problem. This is accomplished by "linking" an XDF (bin definition) file with an ADX (Acquisition Data stream definition) file. Once the link has been made, you can edit the XDF items to have direct links to ADX items.

Enable data tracing in TunerPro.

First take your xdf and adx files and place them in the same folder. Not needed but you may as well place the bin you are working on in the same folder. I always keep a separate folder for each car I tune, all files and logs stay in that folder.

Open TunerPro and go to File, Open bin, then and go to XDF select the xdf file, then go to Acquisition and load definition file.

1. This step does not have to be done if you set up Step 4 to Data Type/Units Match for both X Axis and Y Axis without being Explicit. If left open (not Explicit) it would gather information, maybe wrong information from any ADX.

You don't need to associate the XDF file with the ADX file. But this will lock data tracing to that file so if you use another the data trace can not be confused.

To associate go to XDF then click on View Edit XDF Info. This will open the XDF information window and towards the bottom click on DA Assoc. First click on clear explicit link just to be sure. Then click the browse button and find the ADX file in the same folder as your XDF and choose it. Click apply then close the window. Now the items are Explicit to that ADX.


Now your XDF and ADX are associated together. But unless someone has set up each item in the XDF it will not work. So we must choose each item you would like to see data tracing on. No need to do them all, just the ones needed to watch when tuning like VE tables, Spark Tables, then down the road if there is something else you need to watch just choose it and set it up for data tracing.

2. In your tables choose the VE Fuel. Right click and choose Edit Parameter XDF Info. Go to tabs at bottom and choose Rows and set Data Type, in this case it is Engine Speed. Then go to Stock Units and in this case choose Revolutions Per Minute. Go to Row label Type and choose floating point. For any of these to work in Data tracing they should be set to Floating point. Most are set to String which will not work.


3. Now do the same thing for columns, set Data Type to Manifold Air Pressure. Set Stock units to Kilopascal. Then set Column Label to Floating point.


4. Now click on the DA Assoc. tab at bottom and click the Link and choose Data Type/Units Match for both X Axis and Y Axis. Or Explicit for Data Type/Units Match for both X Axis and Y Axis for Explicit to your ADX file. Explicit insures you are getting information from ADX that matches the XDF. Click apply and close. Now this XDF parameter will show which cell you are in while connected to car or while watching recorded data. For any others you need to associate the procedure is the same.


You don't have to do them all, the important ones would be VE Fuel, Main spark advance and anything else you'd like to see exactly where data is coming from in the chip bin file.

5. Then the ADX file needs to have the Data Types and units match with the matching XDF file in TunerPro. Go to Acquisition, Edit Definition, open Values then click on Tachometer or engine speed However your file has it listed and set the Data Type to Engine Speed and Stock Units to Revelations Per Minute, save. Now do the same for MAP kpa and save. these are the 2 that match the X axis and Y axis of VE, so your datatracing is now set for VE. Do the same for any other item you wish to watch datatracing.

6. Now when recording data or watching recorded data don't forget to click on the Enable Data Tracing button or go to Acquisition Toggle Data tracing and you will see little highlighted circles in the cells being used. If you have enabled data tracing in a Scaler it adds a box showing the data there.


Happy tuning! :rockon:

12-03-2011, 05:50 PM
I was wonderin what that "enable data tracing" was.
So let me see if I understand this correctly. Basicly when set up, it shows a little circle on what part of a map/table that its reading data from? If thats correct, then will it also work when looking at the map/table in 3D?

I have often wondered when it switches from idle (closed throttle) tables to the main (open throttle) tables. I have been wondering if there was anything that could be put into the datalog dash showing when it switches. Could this feature be used for this?

12-03-2011, 06:59 PM
No, it doesn't show in the 3D maps. :(

12-04-2011, 02:30 AM
I have often wondered when it switches from idle (closed throttle) tables to the main (open throttle) tables. I have been wondering if there was anything that could be put into the datalog dash showing when it switches. Could this feature be used for this?The 1227747 which is shown here does not have that. But in the new ADX list view it will show "Idle" and "Accelerating"!

In your 16197427 it should show the change in fuel and spark tables from idle to off idle once set up.

12-04-2011, 02:38 AM
But in the new ADX list view it will show "Idle" and "Accelerating"!

Humm, I never knew this. I thing I have only pulled up the list view a few times. I'll have to check it out next time I have the laptop hooked up.

I will also have try the data tracing if I can figure it out (even with you good instructions)

12-04-2011, 08:55 AM
Humm, I never knew this. I thing I have only pulled up the list view a few times. I'll have to check it out next time I have the laptop hooked up.

I will also have try the data tracing if I can figure it out (even with you good instructions)Now that is on a 1227747, List View, Sensor Data. It shows as a switch from the Bitmasks I entered there because I use it for tuning.

I just spent another day going through the 1227747 ADX and XDF. I just wanted them really dialed in while I finish a couple 7747 projects. Then I will move on to 427 stuff but 98V8S10 has got them done really sweet. Don't know if he did the data tracing. I am going to upload my last versions to 1227747 Info thread. Data tracing is done. Just have to have them in same folder and do this instruction below and of course when data logging or watching a data log click the Data Tracing button:

12-13-2011, 03:42 AM
Ok, I set everything up per the instructions in this thread, and gave it a try saturday. I had the bin I was running loaded onto tunerpro. I opened up both my timing tables and hooked up my aldl cable. I started the engine, clicked connect, and then clicked enable data tracing. I got nothing. It was not working. I reved the engine a little but still nothing. I turned off data tracing and disconnected. Shut off engine and tried it again. Still didnt work.
Brought the laptop back inside, pull back up this thread and double checked everything, and everything was set exactly as it showed in this thread. So what have I done wrong?
Something I did not think of then, but just thought of now. Do you have to be emulating to use data tracing?

12-13-2011, 04:05 AM
No, you can datatrace without using an Emulator.

12-13-2011, 05:23 AM
I can datatrace my recorded data also.

Having the adx and xdf in same folder is biggest issue. Then open the xdf and choose the adx in that folder. It will only work on the paremeters that you set in xdf. There is really no reason to do them all...

You can email me your 2 adx and xdf and a datalog and I could look at it?

12-13-2011, 06:19 AM
I can datatrace my recorded data also.

Yep, that how I test some datatracing changes on occasion.

Having the adx and xdf in same folder is biggest issue. As much as people say this is an issue, it DEFINITELY is not. NONE of my ADXs are in shared folders with my XDFs, and I can datatrace just fine.

I think the biggest thing is to use the same ADX that is loaded while setting up the datatracing while actually tracing. Though this not always an issue either, but there would be other reasons for that.

Also, you don't need to "link the XDF and ADX" I have not done this, and get datatracing just fine. IIRC I have had better success not linking the ADX and XDF. Just set up the data to link, through the X and/or Y of each table, or "link mode" of Scalers in the D.A. Associations tab of each parameter that you want to link..

12-13-2011, 06:29 AM
I just tried mine in different folders and did not work? TP instructions say same folder? Wonder if it has to do with which windows your using? I have Windows 7 and I hate the way it separates public and private and user name folders... but then why would that matter if you loaded the adx and xdf in TP?

Just set up the data to link, through the X and/or Y of each table, or "link mode" of Scalers in the D.A. Associations tab of each parameter that you want to link.. Just tried that without xdf being associatedated to adx and it does work!

EDIT: I think that has to do with explicit or implicit linking...]Just tried that without xdf being assciated to adx and it does work!

12-13-2011, 08:42 AM
I've had separate folders since I used Windows XP (pro), now have 7 (pro) on all of my machines (except one, but that will change if I actually start to use it).

Mark has even said, it has nothing to do with the files working together, it's just suggested for ease of finding def files that will work together.

FWIW, my tuning folder is on it's own partition as well, separated from my C: drive.

12-13-2011, 03:38 PM
I do not have my XDF and ADX in the same file. I have one file I keep all my XDF's, and then a seperate file I keep all my ADX's. I am also running windows XP.
So you think it might be that "explicit or implicit linking" ? I have no idea what that means, but I can change it and try again. What should I change it to?
I have only set up My $0E xdf and adx, because its the only ones I really use. I set up the main and idle spark tables, and the main and idle VE tables. So far thats the only paramiters I have set up. The main ones I want to work are the spark tables.

12-13-2011, 07:18 PM
I tried both ways and it works. But I think I left out a part that I had already done in my adx...

Open your adx and Aqusition, Edit definition, go to values and click on MAP kpa and set Data Type to Manifold Air Pressure, set stock units to Kilopascal. Save.

Then open Engine speed or RPM whatever yours is and set Data Type to Engine Speed, Stock Units to Revelutions Per Minute.

If this is not done in adx then xdf does not know what to DataTrace.

This will set up datatracing for your VE table in xdf. Same for any others.

This way the xdf can datatrace in Explicit or Implicit. No need to have a file in Explicit box.

EDIT: I added the instructions in first post to set up ADX as well.

12-22-2011, 03:19 AM
Finally got this to work. Setting the values in the ADX was what made it work.

But....it didnt quite work as I thought it would. My thought was that the circle would hover in only the timing or fuel map it was reading data from, then once it switched from like the idle over to the main spark table, the circle would also jump to the other table.
Well I opened up both my timing tables and set it up, and I got the circle in both tables at the same time.?? It never switched from one table to the other, just stayed on both.

So, is this how its supposed to work, or did I do something wrong?

12-22-2011, 05:00 AM
I noticed today while playing with data tracing in $EE that when there are 2 tables it will hover in first row of second table while jumping around in first table. Then when you get into higher RPM of second table it will move in second table but hoover in lower row of first... so I guess tha't how it works untill we suggest a fix for next version of TunerPro.

I also noticed that Explicit and choosing the correct Paremeter x axis and y axis is way better then data types! And Explicit link is not needed and long as your adx has all values set for Data Type and Stock Units.

12-22-2011, 07:06 AM
That's how it's supposed to work.

12-22-2011, 07:49 AM
But the darn instructions are very clear files have to be in same folder and linked! and they don't, and that has confused me since beginning... :mad1:

12-22-2011, 03:41 PM
When I had both my spark tables open, the circle was on the same spot on both tables all the time. All rpm's and all map readings. It was on the same area on both tables. Oh well. Atleast I got it working. :rockon:

12-22-2011, 05:33 PM
Your probably talking about Idle and Off Idle? If both tables are the same then yes the circle/shadow will be in same spot. Mine was main table and extended table, both had same MAP across top but RPM was lower on main and higher on exteneded.

This is where explicit and linked to an adx file may come into play if two tables are involved? and set differant in adx...

12-24-2011, 04:41 AM
This write up is awesome! :rockon: Thank you EagleMark! :thumbsup: Your wisdom has saved me from a lot of headaches, since I have gotten started stock ECU tuning!

12-24-2011, 06:09 AM
Just sharing back what I learned from others! :rockon:

12-24-2011, 07:37 AM
Your probably talking about Idle and Off Idle? If both tables are the same then yes the circle/shadow will be in same spot. Mine was main table and extended table, both had same MAP across top but RPM was lower on main and higher on exteneded.

This is where explicit and linked to an adx file may come into play if two tables are involved? and set differant in adx...

Yea, the idle (closed throttle) and main (open throttle) tables were the ones I had open. The tables themselfs are the same, but the data in the tables is diffrent. I originally started out with them both the same, but I have done some work to the ilde table, and recently did some more tweeking to my main table. So now they are far from the same. So the tables are the same, but the actual data in them are way diffrent. I later switched and closed the timing tables and opened the idle and main fuel (VE) tables. It did the same thing. There was a bubble in both tables all the time, unless I reved the engine higher than the idle table went.
I was kinda hoping that the bubble would only be in the table it is actually using, and then jump to the other one when it switched. I was really curious about when it actually switched.
The whole "explicit and linked" thing is still japaniese to me, you pretty much have to put it in picture ilistrated laymans terms for me to understand it....lol

12-24-2011, 09:16 AM
I've been curious about the same thing and explicit linking to adx from xdf may be the answer, just have not had time to explore it yet.

Just spent four hours doing a write up on how to make history table thread, it's in a hidden forum, till I get some sleep and coffee in morning to proof read and God knows I need Spell check! :laugh:

Godd nite...

12-24-2011, 06:52 PM
There would have to a byte or two in the ALDL datastream that would indicate which table is being used, which I have not seen. I'm not even sure there is the programming in Tuner Pro to have the tracing switch between the tables, even if there was the information in the datastream to indicate.

The only way I can think of that might work is to use data hit tracing with an Ostrich 2.0 and the latest firmware. I've never tried it myself, so I don't know how it works.

12-25-2011, 08:36 AM
In '7427 there is an 'Open TPS VE flag' and there is an 'Idle spark enable flag', so those could be used to distinguish which table is being referenced, but I don't think TP has the abilty to turn one highlight (trace) on or off. Maybe it's there.

L5222 FDB $004F ; 23, MW1, MINOR LOOP MODE WD 1
; b5 1 = VE INT RESET
; b4 1 = RUN FUEL
L5224 FDB $0050 ; 24, MW2, MINOR LOOP MODE WORD 2
; b7 1 = IDLE FLAG

12-25-2011, 05:50 PM
If it is in the XDF it can! You would have to have both them open and both VE fuel table open, all set up for data tracing of course. Then it would tell you which fuel table it is using.
b3 1 = OPEN TPS VE FLAG worded Idle Off/on and Off
b6 1 = IDLE SPARK ENABLED worded Idle On/On and Off or whatever you want them to say?

12-25-2011, 09:31 PM
Its gonna take someone smarter than me to figure that out. Once it gets into the actual code and whatnot, its way over my head.

12-25-2011, 11:44 PM
I found those 2 in the ADX, but not sure what to match them to in XDF? Looking at $OE...

If someone has an $OE data log I may be able to get it to work?

12-25-2011, 11:58 PM
AFAIK there is no way to have the bubble jump from one table to another.

12-26-2011, 12:20 AM
That's what we figured out. But if we had a scaler box open that was set up for data tracing that showed when idle was on or off! You would know what table your were in! Idle. Off Idle. Since they overlap. in $OD $OE

My $EE is extension tables, so I can see when it goes from one into the other. Bubble stays in top row of extension table while roaming around top, then when it enters bottom table and roams around, the bubble it top table stays in bottom row. So it does not matter.

12-26-2011, 03:27 AM
AFAIK there is no way to have the bubble jump from one table to another.

That is what i am thinking. I don't think that there is a way to turn the trace on or off dependant upon a bitmask.

09-26-2012, 05:28 PM
hey Mark , working with data tracing an history tables ran into an issue .
following along with the tutorials, got my main VE an spark tables set up.big thanks :rockon:
thought i had done something, until i ran a log an realized. it wasnt reading correctly.
the main ve history would only populate in the 20 kpa column. an the blk bubble would only appear to
move up an down ,in 20 kpa column of the main ve table set up with data tracing.

doing some reading, found this formula , mentioned in another post. X * .369 + 10.354
but it didnt mention where to put it.
so i inserted it,
under Acquisition ,edit definition, values, MAP, click converision tab, Equation.
i replaced the following equation X * 0.019600 + 0.000000

with X * .369 + 10.354 an saved .

an now the tables appear to work correctly.

is this right?


09-26-2012, 05:47 PM
X * 0.019600 + 0.000000 is for MAP Volts.

X * .369 + 10.354 is for MAP kpa.

So you either choose the wrong MAP? Or your data ADX did not have MAP kpa? You can add another value and use all the same info, except name, unique ID and conversion and have 2 values from same data stream address.

Or even add a third for vacuum 29.9-(X*.349)

09-26-2012, 06:55 PM
yes i think it only has map volts .

in the adx editor ,i should change the map value back to original. then create a new map value with kilopascals
with this X * .369 + 10.354. ?

here are the files im using. if you would like review what ive done.
ecm 1227429 ARW

09-26-2012, 08:58 PM
Well change it or add another. Should really add values and not subtract, you may want to know what MAP volts is one day.

Looks to be working fine in Spark and VE table.

09-26-2012, 09:52 PM
Good, i see now. i will work on it some more. thanks

01-01-2013, 05:51 PM
got the data traceing going with $:popcorn:ao, this thing is neat watching main spark table an history table at the same time, they match each other as to where they are on the scale. thanks eagle mark.

04-04-2013, 03:32 AM
Was looking for something else and found this, I had no idea TP could do this, I tried it out and it work, very cool!