View Full Version : Help with Ostrich

07-05-2014, 01:53 PM
Im having problems getting ostrich to work, I think I may have the incorrect bin but im not sure.

So I can connect with tunerproRT and I can upload the bin/download.. verify but I cannot make a connection to the ECU with datamaster/ALDLDroid.

The web is really confusing as to what mask to use, iv spent hours searching around before I even attempted to use ostrich and settled on the $DA3 mask for my first attempt, ALDLDroid uses a $DA3.adx file that the creater made for me and was able to log the car with only a slight mathematics issue witch is why I started there, Well with Ostrich plugged in and the $DA3 bin I found on the web uploaded.. no luck!

So I tried a $DA2 setup.. same thing, cannot connect so I did not even try to start the car obviously.

I found a BAFL vette 5.7 LT1 6speed bin on the web and tried that with the same result..

The car is a 93 6 speed, Moates says to use $DA2.

So does anyone have a bin for a 93 6speed or have any other insight?


07-05-2014, 11:47 PM
All the $DA files we have are here:

93 should use $DA3.

It sounds like you have two problems, one Ostrich and one ALDL Droid? Can you get the Ostrich working without ALDL Droid first, then try to hook it up while running.

07-06-2014, 12:01 AM
Before I attempted to start it I wanted to test communication with the ECU viva ALDLDroid or DataMaster to verify the bin uploaded ok and was the right file type, I could never get any communication so I never attempted to start the car.

Im using the BAFL vette 5.7LT1 6 speed.BIN (http://www.gearhead-efi.com/Fuel-Injection/attachment.php?attachmentid=788&d=1323149842) from that thread because I believe its the most accurate one I have found, but two questions.. What does BAFL mean? and if that bin is for a 92, will it work on a 93?
