View Full Version : No f***ing clue what I'm doing

05-01-2014, 10:51 PM
Look, I forgot my meds this morning so I'm too shitty a mood to tell you the story so far. Just ask and answer until my car will fuckin start.
I have a full Moates suite (AutoProm, TunerPro RT, HDR1, GP1 with ZIF adapter, all the cables), a $8F hex to work with, and no idea how to start the car. (1) How do I copy the current aftermarket tune [AT29C256] and upload it into the emulator, as well as burn it onto one of these 5 billion 27SF512s I got in the box? (2) Why won't TunerPro RT connect to the ALDL output via the AutoProm? (3) Not a question just thought to add for your amusement that I just burnt through a fifth car battery in the last six months. Sent via phone...

05-02-2014, 04:09 AM
is the current aftermarket tune sitting as a bare PROM or is it in the MEMCAL or sitting in a socketed adapter?

05-02-2014, 04:16 AM
Its in the memcal but I used the HDR1 to grab the tune with the AutoProm. Also, what size is the file/buffer? And is there something I have to rejigger to get the tune from the different hex locations between the two chip types to comply with my wishes?

05-02-2014, 04:29 AM
it's a 32KB BIN, so you'll want to read off the 8000-FFFF range on the chip.

once you have the BIN pulled and saved, you should be able to select the new chip(27SF512), load the saved BIN and then flash it without touching anything else.

05-02-2014, 04:44 AM
Well for now it is in a garage which I have no access to so I will have to wait until Sunday afternoon to try again. Let me just go over the process so you can pick out any mistakes:

(1) Open up the Moates I/O thing. (2) Select AT29C256 chip with 32k size, chip hex set at what you just said and buffer left alone. Download bin to file. Put bin in program buffer. Remove original chip and insert new 27SF512 chip. Select 27SF512 chip and default hexes. Upload tune from buffer... Profit?

And for emulation, do I just open the binary in TunerPro and hit the blue up arrow? And the issue with the ALDL cable not working is still in the air. Guess it isn't important until I have a running motor. :mad1: :mad1: :mad1:

05-02-2014, 05:40 PM
IIRC, selecting the SF512 after loading the BIN may change addressing values around, so i would select chip first, then load BIN to buffer, that SHOULD set them up correctly.

emulation, no idea.
ALDL through the autoprom, no idea.

those are both out of my range of experience.