View Full Version : Adding tables to XDF [$85 specific]

04-30-2014, 10:10 PM
I searched around trying to find the answer, but basically I am wanting to add "MAX TCC D.C. vs PSI" table from the BAMW hac into the existing $85 XDF...Easier said than done! haha
I was trying to follow this (http://www.tunerpro.net/tutorials/CreatingECUs.htm) tunerpro tutorial, however right out the gate they talk about things that are not defined. Has "ECU Item Editor" been removed from Tunerpro? I'm also assuming "ECU File format" = .src ? Also, I am failing to see how to convert the resulting "ECU" file into a usable bin that I can burn to a chip? That link seems like it contains outdated info...?

Or coming at this from another angle, (if this is even possible) how do I determine the parameters I need to enter into tunerpro to be able to read those paramaters in the bin?

This is specifically is what I am looking to add to the xdf:

; MAX TCC D.C. vs PSI, (0 - 128PSI)
; Dissassemby of BAMW
; 02-09-1994, 14:53:11
; TBL = %D.C. * 2.56
ORG $9C19 ; %D.C. PSI
L9C19 FCB 252 ; 98.4 0
L9C1A FCB 252 ; 98.4 8
L9C1B FCB 252 ; 98.4 16
L9C1C FCB 252 ; 98.4 24
L9C1D FCB 252 ; 98.4 32
L9C1E FCB 252 ; 98.4 40
L9C1F FCB 252 ; 98.4 48
L9C20 FCB 252 ; 98.4 56
L9C21 FCB 244 ; 95.3 64
L9C22 FCB 224 ; 87.5 72
L9C23 FCB 209 ; 81.6 80
L9C24 FCB 194 ; 75.8 88
L9C25 FCB 182 ; 71.1 96
L9C26 FCB 171 ; 66.8 104
L9C27 FCB 161 ; 62.9 112
L9C28 FCB 153 ; 59.8 120
L9C29 FCB 145 ; 56.6 128

**Edit- Actually I may have figured out how to do this by using a combo of the BAMW hack, the Min TCC Duty Cycle table and the Paramater List Summary. Can someone sanity check the attached XDF to make sure it looks good? The only thing I didn't get was where is the equation derived from? If changes I made in the attachment check out, I'll work on adding a few other items to the XDF. :-)

05-01-2014, 03:42 AM
I'm not sure how that old tutorial would help? But you seem to have found the parameter info needed from the dissasembly and that is all you need.

Open the $85 .XDF and click on a Parameter where you want to add the new one, Paremter Ordered List is the most adjusttable as you can drag and drop things around. Then Right Click and Insert New XDF Parameter. Filling in the blanks is the hard part and conversion is hardest... maybe this will help you and others get going.