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View Full Version : invalid redirect url on login

04-08-2014, 01:37 AM
this forum config provides a bad redirect url when first logging in, with at least google chrome and opera browsers (try logging out and back in again you'll see it)

it doesnt do anything bad, but it's an an annoyance/bug.

it should redirect to 'whats new' or something

figured i should mention since forum admins probably dont see it, being logged in with cookies all the time.

04-08-2014, 03:43 AM

I see it because I'm automatically logged out when I leave the page. I believe it's supposed to redirect to the page you were viewing before you logged in. I've done a bit of searching in the code and haven't located it. Mark's done most of the coding for the site and he's more familiar with it but I haven't been bothering him with too much lately. Maybe I'll give it a shot tonight if I can stay awake.

04-08-2014, 03:56 AM
I believe it's supposed to redirect to the page you were viewing before you logged in.

yeah that makes sense

seriously its pretty low priority, it's just hit me that i try to read the forum on my cellphone (which doesnt save cookies) i see 'invalid blahblahblah' in tiny text, and by instinct i try to log in again, figuring i used the wrong password or something. i assume other users will run into the same brainfart.

04-08-2014, 04:51 AM
Mark's done most of the coding for the site and he's more familiar with it but I haven't been bothering him with too much lately. Maybe I'll give it a shot tonight if I can stay awake.I appreciate that and taking over here for me! :thumbsup:

Marks just here for a little releif of daily life and is in no way shape or form competent to do code right now. Getting off meds, trying to eat enough to gain some weight while still helping the wife as she is helping me... to be ready for surgery soon does not look like he'll be worth much help... then surgery the 15th, then re-coup? Probably at least a week in hospital and a week at home minimum. So if you do play? Back up whatever page you play with first. :thumbsup:

With all the problems I've been having lately with Chrome? I'd say leave it till they fix Chrome, this one issue is tip of iceburg of issues I've been having with it and almost back 100% to MS IE and have no issues anywhere.

But the kids Toyota runs Great! :jfj:

Toyota injectors, Toyota TPS, Jeep IAC mounted external, home made trigger wheel, GM V6 ECM and code converted to 4 cylinder, GM I4 DIS, home made harness and it runs great! :innocent: No way I'd have got it done without you guys!
RPM is a little low at cold start and I haven't figured that out yet but still idles.