View Full Version : Emulation first-use confusion

03-20-2014, 11:32 PM
OK, so I'll be using Ostrich and TunerPro RT in the future. There's the EPROM with the tune in the car, the emulator cable, the emu itself, and the PC (which will always be in the car when it is operating). From what I understand, the original chip is an EPROM, and that is different from an EEPROM primarily by speed of erasure being a difference of a moment or many minutes; so, I need an EEPROM to tune with, and an adapter to plug it into the ECU with the memcal, which has the hard-wired EPROM with the stock tune.

This is where I'm lost: I need to start from the original tune. How do I make sure the car starts with that tune? Does the adapter allow the ECU to run the original memcal EPROM? If not, how do I get the original tune into TunerPro if I only have the Ostrich and cable? Would I need to buy something else? Finally, once I have the stock tune in Tunerpro, can I just hook the ostrich up to a G1 and always run the car with TunerPro, or how would that work?

04-07-2014, 11:00 PM
Bump for halp.

04-07-2014, 11:40 PM
Who's halp? :laugh:

Have you figured out what ECM/PCM and BCC (four letter chip code) you have yet? If you have the BCC we probably have it here and you can download it to use your Ostrich to emulate.

What your missing is a chip burner, which will read your chip as well so you have the bin file to use.

Since you have a G1, you can plug your memcal into it, then plug it into your PCM, attach ribbon cable and load it with the bin file from your chip and get going.

04-07-2014, 11:50 PM
Yeah, its the $8f off a 27C256. Thanks for confirming that I needed a Burn1/2 before I bought one pointlessly.

Also while you're in here (since you're one of the head honchos and know your way around Moates gear, I'll search+post a new thread if you can't answer this), would you happen to know anything about the Bluetooth module for the Ostrich? There's a writes up on the website but I don't know what the part is or where to get it.

04-08-2014, 01:44 AM
Red Devil River sells a Blue tooth and I think it's working with the ALDL Droid. But I've never used them...

04-08-2014, 02:46 AM
Moates no longer sells the BT module for the Ostrich. I got one of the last few he sold, and to be honest, it's not worth it. I think I used the BT ability twice, before getting frustrated with the need to upload the bin multiple times and going back to strictly using USB. It's a communications timing/time out issue. As long as you upload something every few seconds it doesn't seem to be an issue, but leave the uploads alone for a bit and it has to re-sync, which can get annoying.

Don't get me wrong, the BT ability works, just not as seamlessly as I would like. I'm sure the old AutoProm with BT worked better, since there would be constant communication (datalogging), and then send packets for upload to the emulation. The Ostrich BT just doesn't seem as smooth as it should be.

04-08-2014, 02:57 AM
Gotcha. The issue in trying to get around with is that any tablet I want to use has the issue of not being able to charge AND use USB at the same time, so Bluetooth seemed the way to go. Other options include a USB-over-WiFi hub or grabbing the "bootleg" switch wire combo that I have to get from Hong Kong or whatever. I'll figure it out.