View Full Version : Stand alone tranmission controller

02-27-2014, 07:21 AM
Hello gang,

I am currently building a transmission controller initally for the 4l60e/4l80e transmissions. More trannies will be added as demand arises.

The unit is based on an Arduino board with the required driver hardware all enclosed in a neat little box, aside from the external inputs. These i inputs will consist of a vehicle speed sensor and use either a throttle position sensor or a map sensor, leaving it up to the installer to decide if they want to run a vac line ot install a TPS on their vehicle if not originally equipped.

If there is any interest in testing a unit please lemme know.

Currently I am writing code and look to have a working prototype or two in the next 30-60 days.

Anyway, just putting this out there. More information will come as the project inches closer to fruition.

Thanks for reading,


02-27-2014, 07:36 AM
i had a guy call me on this today i was looking at a 16128420 16196390 tcm to do it tunercat had the tdf done already for them to burn a chip. I was looking at the wiring to it has the same info you posted a vss a tps and a map

02-27-2014, 07:50 AM
Ill have to take a look. Either way I am carrying on with my project. So if anyone is interested...;)

fyi this is currently a non profit project but depending on demand and success it may become "commercial".

02-27-2014, 09:23 AM
i'll follow your progress, sounds interesting. lets see some code!

02-27-2014, 07:08 PM

I'll try to get some preliminary info up this weekend. Since it's based on the Arduino platform it's written in a C/C++ compliant language and right now is pretty rudimentary with a ton of "if" statements lol. I am interested in how much user adjustability people would be interested in. I.e. you want to raise line pressure or alter tps/map vs vehicle speed shift patterns. I have considered, initially, the use of a three position slider switch to choose from 3 levels of operation, since not everyone is comfortable writing code. But I am always open to suggestions as I wish this to be as user friendly as possible.


02-27-2014, 10:09 PM
well, it's an arduino, so ensure you have a defined data section, and have a tunerpro xdf that alters the tables/constants in all of your patterns, and your customers could just load the altered bin. wouldn't be that hard. just think "im building an ecm here".

i could help you with that part, i'm not bad with c for embedded platforms (never had an arduino though)

02-27-2014, 10:40 PM
It sounds like an interesting project. If you can make it work, using a MAP sensor instead of a TPS sensor could be handy since that would be easier to install.

If you expect much commercial success then you'll need to have it fairly adjustable. You pretty much need to have the ability to alter each shift curve.

02-27-2014, 11:23 PM
Steveo, Im not building an "ecm" Im building a tcm lol :) but I hear what youre saying. I may bug you on how to integrate the tunperpro xdf since I have no exp with that.

02-28-2014, 12:52 AM
if the language would allow (never used this compiler) an easy way to (usually) ensure something ends up as a constant in the data section with a pointer to it (instead of inline with the code), putting it as a pointer to a constant in global space is usually what you want:

char *lockup_min_spd = 0x05;

void function() {
if(lockup_min_spd >= current_spd) /* do whatever */

of course the compiler will put it wherever the hell it wants in the binary, but locating it in the binary is easy after, just compile two versions, one 0x05 and one 0x06 and see what changes. then throw the location and any conversion in the xdf, and you're good to go.

what you're trying to avoid by doing this, is the compiler going "oh! it'll be faster if we just replicate the data in this case" (or worse, using a #define, that pretty much forces it to replicate when used). that would mean you'd have to have two or more constants in your XDF that do the same thing, which would be dumb.

many compilers will screw you over and optimize it out sometimes if you put it in local function scope, or do all sorts of trickery or optimizations on the value..

03-01-2014, 10:48 AM
if the language would allow (never used this compiler) an easy way to (usually) ensure something ends up as a constant in the data section with a pointer to it (instead of inline with the code), putting it as a pointer to a constant in global space is usually what you want:

char *lockup_min_spd = 0x05;

void function() {
if(lockup_min_spd >= current_spd) /* do whatever */

of course the compiler will put it wherever the hell it wants in the binary, but locating it in the binary is easy after, just compile two versions, one 0x05 and one 0x06 and see what changes. then throw the location and any conversion in the xdf, and you're good to go.

what you're trying to avoid by doing this, is the compiler going "oh! it'll be faster if we just replicate the data in this case" (or worse, using a #define, that pretty much forces it to replicate when used). that would mean you'd have to have two or more constants in your XDF that do the same thing, which would be dumb.

many compilers will screw you over and optimize it out sometimes if you put it in local function scope, or do all sorts of trickery or optimizations on the value..

Thanks for the input Steveo. I have the constants global so any part of the code can use those variables. With only basic inputs(more are in the code for different gear selections, manual/auto mode, etc) like tps/map and vss it seems easier that way. I have to admit its been 20+ years since ive written much code(BASIC) until this project. The code is a bit "clunky" but at 16mips its more than adequate for this project. As of now its a basic shift box that reads 2 inputs and has 4 outputs. Ill have to sit i front of the laptop this weekend and figure out how to make an xdf and linking it to the controller.


03-05-2014, 05:38 PM
Project is moving right along. Code is nearing completion and hardware testing is coming in the next week or two.
Looking for a tester or two if anyone is interested pm me.

03-05-2014, 07:45 PM
I am following this. I have a 4L80 I am putting in yet another v8 Chevy LUV, but I am a ways away from finishing it up...

03-05-2014, 08:44 PM
The controller will oprate the 4L80 as well as the 4L60E. I will continue to update as progress comes so check back at least weekly. ;) would love some picks of another v8 luv ;)

03-06-2014, 05:41 AM
i'd test it if I had an auto but still willing to help with the xdf or some code cleanup/optimizing if ya want

03-06-2014, 05:58 AM
Steveo, Ill paste some code tomorrow if i can get time. I dont have internet out in the sticks where i live. I took a look at building the xdf file, doesnt look to bad but guidance is always appreciated. Still working on some if the shift timing parameters in the code. I can get 1-2 and 2-3 shifts to occur as i want but when i introduce the 3-4 code it gets buggy for some reason.


03-07-2014, 07:53 AM
Im intetested in a unit.

03-07-2014, 05:12 PM
Im intetested in a unit.
Ok.Stay tuned to this channel for further developments. If you don't mind my asking what is your intended application?

03-08-2014, 07:50 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, start your projects!!! Software is roughed in. Shifts through all the gears, locks up the torque converter clutch and adjusts line pressure. Don't have the xdf done yet but I should have the hardware together within the next two weeks(daughters bday this week) and begin road testing this thing. Anyone interested in ordering a kit lemme know. I currently only have software to run with a vss signal and tps for the 4L60E but will have the 80E code finished by the time it hits the road.


03-16-2014, 07:18 PM
ok Steveo, I need some assistance with writing the xdf and likely the adx files for this project. gimme a shout when u have time.


03-16-2014, 09:29 PM
adx too? you're going to throw a serial comms and diagnostic kind of system behind this thing? that'd be cool

i can help you with the xdf, send me some code man and i'll figure out the best approach

03-17-2014, 02:08 AM
Steveo, pm me ur email. it,ll be a few days before I can send u a bin though.still need to clean up the code a bit and comment it out properly. OCD is a wonderous thing lol

03-20-2014, 04:11 AM
Well, without adding more hardware and software its entirely too much work to use TP5 to tune This thing. So my question now is, do I just go open source with this or license the software? I'm sure I know what most of your answers will be lol.


03-23-2014, 09:36 AM
Well I have successfully migrated the code to an arduino pro mini board. All is well. I will begin integrating the hardware interface to the external components this week. ;)

03-25-2014, 09:28 AM
Ok Steveo, can you help with an adx? I have TP5 officially connected...I think. TP shows DA:Connected, @85hz 0 errors. My problem is understanding what TP wants from the arduino to place the incoming values in the appropriate gauge. Any insight?


03-25-2014, 05:18 PM
what's actually coming out of the serial interface? is it just spitting out data, or do you have some kind of request and response happening?

my email is resfilter atresfilterdotnet if you want to send me some code or whatever, if you define your datastream for me i'd happily write you an adx? also not sure why you've given up using tunerpro to tune it, we should really try to get that working.

03-25-2014, 07:58 PM

As it is now the board just spits out data upon initialization. I do have each variable identified in the stream as viewed thru windows hyperterm and the arduino ide see monitor, I.e. vss = 8600, tps% = 15.0, etc. I don't have a bin file saved to my phone e but i do have the arduino .ino file. It you'll have to download the ide to view it. I can email a bin file tonight when I get home. The .ino file can be viewed in a hex editor.

03-25-2014, 09:44 PM
that should be very easy, you should prefix each iteration of the stream with a header that'll likely never match actual data, just a string of bytes, just throw 0x01 0x02 0xF4 0xEE or something before it, then put a footer on it, and preferrably make the last byte a checksum to ensure it's valid (i can help you calculate that if you like). at that point it'll be really easy to write a 2-liner macro thing to get the data, and just configure the conversion for each variable.

03-26-2014, 02:10 AM
Ya you're gonna have to walk me through all that lol. This is the first coding I've done in 25 years. Self taught on the arduino language and what little hex and binary I know.

03-26-2014, 02:20 AM
for sure man i can do that, i'll contribute a few hunks of code once i get that source from you, and work with you getting the adx going. i still want to see it editable for constants in tunerpro too, which i can definitely do for ya

03-31-2014, 05:38 AM
for sure man i can do that, i'll contribute a few hunks of code once i get that source from you, and work with you getting the adx going. i still want to see it editable for constants in tunerpro too, which i can definitely do for ya

That would be awesome Steveo! Have I mentioned I appreciate your help with the project. I'll make sure and cut you in if it turns s a profit. ;)

I am in The process of adding tach input for forced shift in addition to a shift light output. Considering an air shift output as well. If anyone has any thing additional questions would like to see lemme know.


03-31-2014, 08:44 PM
sorry man i've been pretty busy, but i looked over your code just in a text editor, i can definitely help you out and get it rocking

i will work on establishing a properly checksummed and flow controlled serial datastream, as well as managing your static data a bit better so this thing is tuneable without recompiling.

what you have to realize is when you do something like

if(variable_a > 200) whatever; // select gear one
if(varable_b > 200) whatever; // select gear two

the behavior of the compiler is unpredictable in that circumstance, it may place 200 in static data addr. and re-use it for both compares, or it may not. being able to edit those in-place in the bin is nearly impossible now. however if you:

const int const_a = 200;
const int const_b = 200;
if(variable_a > const_a) whatever;
if(variable_b > const_b) whatever;

unless you have a very heavy optimizing compiler, you're in the clear; you just locate that static data and you're good to go.

but a better solution would be (which in a simple compiler and arch, usually ensures the data ends up being in a sequential block):

struct calib {
const int const_a = 200;
const int const_b = 200;

if you're planning any major changes to it in the short term, let me know, i dont want to go fixing this one if you already have another version in the works.

04-01-2014, 03:27 AM
Originally, I was only looking for something g for myself to play with but the more I get into it it could be marketed to a point. As you can probably tell my C skills are lacking but they work. I think for now I will only modify the epc section and add the rpm forced shift/shift light option.

04-01-2014, 04:22 AM
can you finish what you're working on then send me the updated version? since you have no revision control, im hesitant to make any changes for you while you're also working on it, as merging may be difficult.

04-02-2014, 12:49 AM
I'll get you what Im working on in the next day or two.


04-02-2014, 05:57 AM

should get some revision control going sooner or later too, that really helps even just for you, so you can see all your code changes

github is good for that, it's free unless you make a private repository (which sounds like you would)

04-23-2014, 04:38 PM
Im intrested in one if you are looking for a market, prob about a month from having 4l60e ready to go in tho

04-23-2014, 09:39 PM

I am in the process of bench testing right now. A month or so will hopefully give me enough time to get all(or most) the bugs worked out by the time you're ready.

04-26-2014, 03:10 AM
I am an stm32 guy but I would love to learn from you, I am interested in TCM in general (that's on top of my interest in PCM/ECU/EMS etc)

First things first, did you decide which license you are using? Is the software going to be published anywhere? Is it published anywhere?

Same about the hardware: do you have the PCB files published, do you intend to publish them?

Eventually I would love to integrate something like that into my ECU project. Poke me if you would be interested to join forces :)

04-26-2014, 06:32 PM
I am an stm32 guy but I would love to learn from you, I am interested in TCM in general (that's on top of my interest in PCM/ECU/EMS etc)

First things first, did you decide which license you are using? Is the software going to be published anywhere? Is it published anywhere?

Same about the hardware: do you have the PCB files published, do you intend to publish them?

Eventually I would love to integrate something like that into my ECU project. Poke me if you would be interested to join forces :)


I am on the fence currently as to how I will put this project to market, be it an open source item or commercial product. We can talk about your plans and take it from there. I am currently collaborating with another user on this forum so I have his work to consider as well when deciding which way to go. I am interested in what you have going on, I'll have to check out the details of your project. PM me and we will talk.


05-14-2014, 08:00 PM
Any progress?

05-15-2014, 03:17 AM
Any progress?

Yes and no. Life has been a big interruption as of late so I havent had much time to work on it. How close are you to needing one?


06-05-2014, 10:06 PM
Just dropping an update, or a non-update at this point. Not much has progressed due to work and home life. Looking to have some free time this month(June) so hopefully I can get this thing on the road for some rubber burning fun. As always, Im open to questions and suggestions on this project. Thanks for reading.


06-24-2014, 07:21 AM
did you get the trans controlers done ? if so how much and how do I get one or what can you tell me on where to get one.......:mad1:

06-24-2014, 05:18 PM

Progress had slowed slightly. It's not quite ready for prime time just yet. If you wanted a barebones absolute minimum setup it would fit the bill but this thing has grown into a bit of a monster and now I can't stop until the monster is happy lol.

As for price and availability, I will post a link to the web site for product promotion and sales when the time is right. The price will be competitive with current units on the market but will likely include items not included in those units like tps setup, wire harness, etc, which mostly seem to be add-ons to the kits Ive seen. I will also be offering kits for the end user to build their own wire harness or request a custom harness as opposed to the generic harness that will likely accompany the unit.

What is your intended application, street,strip, street/strip? What trans will you be using, The 4L60E or 4L80E? Any features you would like that you don't see on current market units?


06-25-2014, 09:26 PM
Well Steveo, you would be proud of me. I banged away at TunerPro and the tcm board until I got serial comms working and a single element(TPS Volt) dash working last night about the time my eyes slammed shut lol. Anywho, tonight I'm gonna finish my adx and dash setup then it's off to the xdf side. Woo Hoo!

06-26-2014, 08:36 AM
thanks for the reply yes im interested in bare bones im just using it for a fuel economy setup with a 454 and a 4L80E trans and 373 gears. let me know when and how much.

06-27-2014, 12:36 AM
Will this work with a 4T60E?

06-27-2014, 01:19 AM
Will this work with a 4T60E?

Currently is does not control that trans but it can. It "can" operate numerous transmissions from GM, Ford and Chrysler and if there is a demand I will be happy to accommodate requests. Now, with that being said, patience will be a virtue at this point as I am still working on the 4L60E/4L80E software.


06-27-2014, 04:25 AM
Cool cool

08-30-2014, 09:16 PM
Hello Everyone!

Well it's been months since I have posted much about the trans controller and Ive been hard at work on it. Recently I have been putting together the ADX file to use with TunerPro RT. I have attatched my adx so anyone wishing to take a look and maybe give any ideas as to what you think is missing or would like to see added can do so. Thanks for looking and have a great day.


The adx is not complete in all ways but the dash does show all the current values coming out the datastream.


08-31-2014, 03:26 AM
this thread needs some pics...

08-31-2014, 06:46 AM
this thread needs some pics...

Pictures you say...:)

09-25-2014, 06:42 PM

09-26-2014, 04:11 AM
Oh, it happened all right. :innocent2:

09-27-2014, 07:54 PM

So, I'm trying to nail down any final additions before "finishing" the software for the controller. As it stands, I have implemented the following user information...

Streaming sensor data via TunerPro
Diagnostic trouble code section via TunerPo
Tuning via TunerPro
Shift light output for use with an external mounted light
Speedometer output for use with 2k ppm

Anything I'm missing that anyone would like to see?


05-24-2015, 07:50 PM
Hi all... This is my first post here.
I am looking for a solution for my P30 (1-ton) motorhome with the 4L80e that I just converted to a 2-speed rear end.

I have two issues:
1) old problem with OD only working until kickdown (from 4-3) after which, 4th no longer exists... it just freewheels and engages 3rd.
2) Need to solve the speedo question.

I was considering a stand alone TCU, but unsure if that really is my problem.
I am considering a Dakota Digital speedo driver unit (or two), but it would be great if I could find some sort of integrated solution.

The 4L80e trans. issue of not shifting into 4th after kick down is the primary concern, of course.


05-25-2015, 07:14 AM
I wouldn't mind a solution for the Dodge 46/47RE trans....

05-26-2015, 04:29 AM
journeyman, As Robert suggested in the thread you started, looking into the data stream will provide some much needed info. Need to look and see if 4th gear is commanded by the pcm, and if not, why? May be a problem with the throttle position sensor, but there again that goes back to looking at the data.

34blazer, I plan on integrating a few Chrysler as well as Ford transmissions by the time I'm "done". My focus right now is on the GM 4L60E and 4L80E.

I suppose I will add an update while I'm here. Not much has changed with the software, on the test bench it works as desired. Hooked up to my non-E truck speed sensor and TPS, the unit operates as desired from viewing the status of several LEDs/indicators and my Tunerpro adx. Currently I am building the vehicle harness for installation into my truck. I'll try to make some videos and post links in the next week or two showing the operation of the indicators and Tunerpro dash.


06-28-2015, 11:33 PM
hi all nice to meet you
new guy here just landed on this forum after doing a google search
i've been looking for a while for an affordable way to shift my 4L80E and i knew there was some experimentation going on with arduino boards
looks like its nearing completion and i'm looking forward to seeing the finisched product in action
if the price is right i definetely would consider buying one

eeehr the transmission i'm using is a jaguar version of the 4l80e and i have the original tcm for it too ...... it has a shitload of wires comming out of it that where originally connected to the ecm the shifter and a few other things in the car that have nothing to do with the transmission
does anyone know if this tcm can be made to work as a stand alone unit using signals from the sensors on the engine directly ?

06-29-2015, 06:00 AM
If you can give me the year, make, model of Jag I will look and see what its connected to. Otherwise, stay tuned for further developments on my controller.


07-01-2015, 06:41 AM
Still tuned in for updates. After constantly hitting brick wall after brick wall trying to find help hacking the JTEC, Im giving up on it all together. I want to build a trans controller that is arduino based and get it working so I can 86 the JTEC in favor of something with a little bit more support, maybe MSIII. I want a working controller and associated calibration. Good thing the 46/47RE transmissions are really basic as compared to other electronically controlled counterparts.

Any suggestions on what arduino to use?

Also need suggestions to drive the 4th gear, and TCC switches, and the EPC?

If you can also suggest parameters for shifting patterns too? I have some plans written out but I know theres a lot missing.


07-01-2015, 08:44 AM

Still working on it. I will tell you that for now, the source code will not be available but support will be.

What year is the transmission you plan on using this with? I can help you identify year ranges if you are unsure as there are differnces in say 1988-1994ish, 1995-2003, 2004up. While these do not pose any real issues, it is important to know for proper control/operation.

If you're still interested let me know but don't be in too big of a hurry as this isn't my day job. :-) I can build whatever you need from the controller to the harness.


07-14-2015, 05:13 PM
Hi Buddrow , and the rest of the people reading -

I found your thread talking about how you're building an Arduino board that controls the 4L80E. I've been trying to decide on which commercial controller I've wanted to buy for some time now and then stumbled across this you tube video where a guy is using an Arduino to control a Mercedes transmission. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKrw--4Su1M

So I searched for one for the 4L80e and found your thread. I see you've been working this for about a year now, are you close to completion? My 365 ci Cadillac is running a 4l80e via adapter plate, I just need a controller. If yours is almost ready to go, I'd give it a shot.

My one suggestion for the build would be to integrate an attached display like in the video above (tuning in the car without needing a computer would be nice for some running just a carb). Maybe have the option to detach it if someone wants to hide the display? (But maybe all of the tuning is going to be done via Tuner Pro?). Eventually I'm wanting to convert my 365 to sequential fuel injection and add 1-2 turbos on it.. yes, I'm crazy. Thanks for the read, hope the project is coming along!


07-15-2015, 07:12 AM
Alex aka HotRodCadillac,

Dig the name and the project. Glad to hear you "stumbled" across my thread. I was never really happy with the aftermarket units as a whole. They work but, much like the gentleman in the video, they seem a bit over complicated for the average gearhead. And seeing how transmissions are mystery boxes to most people anyway, I wanted to make a more user friendly version.

I could possibly release a beta version soon just keep posted. As for now, tuning is done via a terminal program and excel. I have a GUI console in the works but it is very, very early in the process. I do have an .adx for TunerPro which can be used for datalogging the controller but no tuning/programming currently(I know I posted that I had it programming via TunerPro but i must have been high lol).

Adding a "simple" LCD display wouldn't be too hard, just gotta have a demand for it, definitely keep it in mind as an option.

Oh, and I have an option for a shift light output just in case that piques your interest. Also, for now, in order to use my controller with a GM factory ecm or electronic instrument cluster, you will have to piggyback a DRAC module for the correct input signal to the ecm/instrument cluster.


08-31-2015, 06:19 PM
any updates?

09-01-2015, 05:16 AM
34blazer and to whom it may concern,

Progress has been hit and miss. I still have some testing to do and software to update on both the 4l60e and the 4l80e. If you are interested in beta testing a unit, I may entertain the idea just pm me and we can talk. Other than that, it is coming along just slowly these days with all I have going on. I have gotten another project done though, it's an electric fan/water pump controller with LCD display. It is about a month or so from being in a box but it is done. As always if you have any questions feel free to ask.


10-08-2015, 02:14 AM
Hi Buddrow, I'm still watching. Hope this thing is still something you tinker with. I'll be checking back for updates. See ya!


10-08-2015, 06:50 PM
Hi Buddrow, I'm still watching. Hope this thing is still something you tinker with. I'll be checking back for updates. See ya!



Yes it is still in development. Still have in vehicle testing to be done and calibration software to write. I am lookong to have it interfaced with Tunerpro for tuning but as of now it only logs data and shows dtc faults. I dont currently have a set in ston launch date but lilely after the first of the year. Stay tuned and hit me up with any questions or comments u may habe as they are always considered amd answered as promptly as possible.


10-26-2015, 08:21 AM
Me and my father are putting together 2 projects involving 2 4L80E transmissions. Im not an expert at code or even arduino but we just purchased 2 arduino 256 boards and 2 sets of 4 channel relays. We have several miscellaneous components to go with these. I have had success in programming other automated programs in the past. Maybe i can help share your work load with the 4L80E side of your programming? I know I have to use PWM on the pressure solenoid and i know which frequencies to use. Some code to start with getting me in the right direction for automatic shifting and how you use the map sensor in conjunction would be the biggest hurdle for me. It would be real nice for us to not have to use our toggle switches anymore lol. Maybe we can help each other out?

1979 Caballero 496BBC 4l80E
1991 C1500 454BBC 4l80E

10-26-2015, 11:21 PM
Me and my father are putting together 2 projects involving 2 4L80E transmissions. Im not an expert at code or even arduino but we just purchased 2 arduino 256 boards and 2 sets of 4 channel relays. We have several miscellaneous components to go with these. I have had success in programming other automated programs in the past. Maybe i can help share your work load with the 4L80E side of your programming? I know I have to use PWM on the pressure solenoid and i know which frequencies to use. Some code to start with getting me in the right direction for automatic shifting and how you use the map sensor in conjunction would be the biggest hurdle for me. It would be real nice for us to not have to use our toggle switches anymore lol. Maybe we can help each other out?

1987 Caballero 496BBC 4l80E
1991 C1500 454BBC 4l80E

No offense, but I am not really interested in sharing the code Ive spent the last year developing at the moment.
the only real component i am working on lining out is the pressure control system. The basic shift pattern is pretty easy to figure out.I can help you out with that but the rest is confidential at least for now. PM me and we can talk more.


01-20-2016, 09:23 AM
I realized it's been a while since I've posted an update so here goes.

The 4L60E/4L80E transmission controller is ready for the road. I have also been working on an alternative to TunerPro. Even Though I'm a fan, I was ultimately looking for a simpler interface which is what I have. Attached are screen shots of the interface program. It currently has "full" functionality minus some diag stuff I'm still putting together, a work in progress as always.

I can also put together controllers for GM FWD, Ford OD trans both 4 and 5 speeds and the Chrysler RWD's are soon to follow. When the TCU website is up I will post a link for interested parties. Thanks for looking.

If anyone is interested you can contact me via email or PM.


01-20-2016, 03:12 PM

Will you be releasing a TP definition? I'm thinking of the folks that have gotten used to Tunerpro but may not be comfortable learning new software.

01-20-2016, 06:39 PM
I already have an .adx for it, havent worked out the xdf yet. The software is meant to be easy to use so there isnt much of a learning curve such as you would have with TP. As far as veiwing and logging sensor data and whatnot, both TP and my Gui will do the job. If you look back a few pages om this thread you will find the adx i built.


01-25-2016, 08:06 AM
cool beans

02-15-2016, 08:01 AM
34blazer, are you still looking for a replacement for the JTEC? I'm looking into the dodge stuff now days and could use a tester if you're interested just pm me.

"Any suggestions on what arduino to use?

Also need suggestions to drive the 4th gear, and TCC switches, and the EPC?"

Since the 46/47/48RE's only have a few inputs/outputs, you could use an UNO or even a Pro Mini or Nano. I use a MEGA which has twice the ram and almost 3 times the I/O of the aforementioned boards.

The EPC you refer to is the governor pressure solenoid which has an accompanying pressure sensor used for feedback to the tcm. On the 2003 or 2004 model 48RE Dodge used an electronic Throttle valve control on the diesel engines. The electro-mechanical TV control unit is prone to failure, pricey and mounted to bosses cast into the case so you have to use the 48RE case.

Anywho, I'll have the website up and going before long but be patient while I add product and tech info. Anyone interested or want more information feel free to pm me.Thanks for reading.


02-23-2016, 07:23 AM
Yeah I'm familiar with the workings of the RE, which is simple crap compared to 60/80e or anything new. Still interested, sent you a PM.


02-23-2016, 08:04 AM
do you have a web site up yet?

02-23-2016, 08:15 AM
do you have a web site up yet?

Yes, the site is "up". It's lacking a lot but it, along with everything else is a work-in-progress. The official website is here - http://www.bspt.tech/home.html . Don't laugh as I just used the crappy site builder the host provided. I plan to update and upgrade it as time allows.


03-07-2016, 01:31 AM
Website has had a dimestore makeover, nothing earth-shattering though mostly appearance wise. Moved everything to it's own page and will continually make changes and updates to improve user experience so check back weekly at least. I'll be updating the mobile version as well. Any feedback from visitors would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.


03-08-2016, 04:02 AM
The transmission controller sounds awesome. Simple with full control. Keep up the good work. How much does it cost?

03-08-2016, 08:10 AM
"The transmission controller sounds awesome. Simple with full control. Keep up the good work. How much does it cost?"

Retail on the units including the controller, universal harness, remote TPS or Wire-Tap, and PC program will run $500-$550. If you haven't been to the website have a look see and check back often as I am continually updating the info.
