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View Full Version : Strange problem with "enter" key, can't space paragraphs etc.

06-07-2013, 05:21 PM
Recently, I've started having problems with not being able to use the "enter" key to separate paragraphs and photos etc while posting. Looking at other peoples' posts it doesn't seem like anyone else is having this issue. Is this an issue with the forum or is it my computer ? My 17-month old likes to climb in my lap and hit keys while I'm on the computer so I suppose she could have hit a key that changed something, but I don't know what it could be. It is a silly problem, but it drives me nuts because I often type long posts that contain different subjects and I can't separate them. I don't post to other forums regularly and haven't noticed this problem with anything else using this computer so I'm clueless. If anyone has any ideas that would be great. Thanks in advance, Phil

06-07-2013, 06:52 PM
Usually because of old Java and getting the updates helps. Some older OS still have issues and need to use the standard or basic editor. Instead of quick reply click the Go ADvanced and see if it works better there?


Settings at top right of this page.
Scroll down to General settings on left and click.
Scroll down to
Miscellaneous Options
Message Editor Interface: and choose Basic or standard.

06-07-2013, 07:55 PM
I'm running windows 7 so I'm pretty sure it's not the OS and Java is supposed to be up to date it just updated not long ago. I had already tried going to the advanced reply window with no change in luck also. But, I went to the options and went to the standard editor interface instead of the advanced or whatever it was and that seems to have resolved the problem. I'll have to go through and check for updates on the computer later just to make sure I'm all up to date although I should be. Anyway, thanks for the help and hopefully it stays fixed,


06-07-2013, 10:37 PM
For a while I was having issues. I had to click on "advanced" then "preview post" and everything would be ok. Not sure what's different it all seems to work ok now.

06-07-2013, 10:50 PM
I have issues on this and other forums with my Ipad.
I have to click "go advanced" on most forums to post,and I can't edit at all on some forums.
Drives me nuts cause I surf on Ipad for simplicity,rather than laptop/desktop.