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06-07-2013, 02:50 AM
Does anybody have any good 3800 spreadsheets to share?
Going thru data manually has me frustrated,and I don't know enough about excel to correlate the data together easily or alter the spreadsheets I have to be useable.
Some of them simply need a couple rows added to the tables or the rpm/map inverted.
Can anybody help? I know the calculations,just need more working knowledge of Excel.

I tried to take an excel class at the local community college,turns out I was paying to sit in a classroom and do it myself with a book while other people in the class were doing the same with random subjects (windows,outlook,etc..)

Anybody wanna start a tutorial on building spreadsheets with excel?

dave w
06-08-2013, 07:48 AM
Does anybody have any good 3800 spreadsheets to share?
Going thru data manually has me frustrated,and I don't know enough about excel to correlate the data together easily or alter the spreadsheets I have to be useable.
Some of them simply need a couple rows added to the tables or the rpm/map inverted.
Can anybody help? I know the calculations,just need more working knowledge of Excel.

I tried to take an excel class at the local community college,turns out I was paying to sit in a classroom and do it myself with a book while other people in the class were doing the same with random subjects (windows,outlook,etc..)

Anybody wanna start a tutorial on building spreadsheets with excel?

I think I can help. I think I'll need a stock .bin, .xdf, .adx, and .xdl to work with. I have Excel 2007. I'm thinking you are wanting a VE Fixer spreadsheet?

dave w

06-08-2013, 08:11 PM
Here is the stock .bin i'm using.
Unfortunately I don't think it is supported by Tunerpro that I know of.
However,it is supported by TinyTuner (free OBDII editor).

I have been able to make life easier by using a the "Table Modifier Thingy" by Eddie Blattner.
However,I am still having to manually input all the data but it's not near as bad since it does the MAF and mg/cyl calcs for me.
Can't get it to work with VE or KR though.
Thanks for any help at all,gonna make another post regarding both the table modifier and tiny tuner when I get a chance.
TT isn't calculating my checksum correctly after saving,possibly due to a database error. Regardless I can't open the .bin in TCII after it has been saved by TT.
If I can work that issue out it would also save alot of time-but that's another thread :)

06-08-2013, 08:13 PM
oops,forgot to add .bin and won't let me go to advanced edit.

dave w
06-09-2013, 12:47 AM
oops,forgot to add .bin and won't let me go to advanced edit.

Here is what I have so far.

Can you post a zipped copy of the .xlsx your using?

To Transpose ~ Copy / Paste Special / Select Transpose option

dave w

06-12-2013, 02:57 AM
Sorry Dave,I haven't been able to post it up.
Have a few minutes so here's a log,assuming that is what you meant by xlsx.
Haven't had a chance to clean it up yet,took a bunch when I went out of town this weekend.
I don't have a spreadsheet i'm using specifically because they won't work,I just resave the log after doing some calcs in it. Then when finished it goes with the rest of the old logs.
I'll download what you posted and check it out,hopefully have time tonight.

I use Autotap for logging then convert to .csv for use in Excel.
What I have been doing from there is using the Table_modifier thingy from blattner the past few days.
It won't recognize the KR data though and says i'm missing a PID for VE calcs so all I can do it correlate the MAF data.
It does convert to mg/cyl though so I can look thru the log and just manually do it all.

So I've found a way to get MAF and KR done quite a bit faster at least.
The consensus is NOT to tune VE on 3800's because it only comes into play with failed MAF,but I want the car to run correctly all the time-especially if the MAF fails on my wife :)

Thanks for your help Dave,Sorry it took so long to respond.

dave w
06-12-2013, 06:02 AM
Sorry Dave,I haven't been able to post it up.
Have a few minutes so here's a log,assuming that is what you meant by xlsx.
Haven't had a chance to clean it up yet,took a bunch when I went out of town this weekend.
I don't have a spreadsheet i'm using specifically because they won't work,I just resave the log after doing some calcs in it. Then when finished it goes with the rest of the old logs.
I'll download what you posted and check it out,hopefully have time tonight.

I use Autotap for logging then convert to .csv for use in Excel.
What I have been doing from there is using the Table_modifier thingy from blattner the past few days.
It won't recognize the KR data though and says i'm missing a PID for VE calcs so all I can do it correlate the MAF data.
It does convert to mg/cyl though so I can look thru the log and just manually do it all.

So I've found a way to get MAF and KR done quite a bit faster at least.
The consensus is NOT to tune VE on 3800's because it only comes into play with failed MAF,but I want the car to run correctly all the time-especially if the MAF fails on my wife :)

Thanks for your help Dave,Sorry it took so long to respond.

From what I can see, based on the .bin and .xls the MAP Sensor is used to adjust fuel and the MAF Sensor is used to adjust spark. This is typical of many OBDII PCM's. In my thinking, the Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 1(%) operates similar to BLM's on OBDI ECM's. In my thinking a negative (-)% means the PCM is reducing fuel in that cell, a positive (+)% is adding fuel for that cell. I did some sorting and averaging of the .xls posted. I posted back a .xls with the work I did. I posted a summary screen shot. My thinking is the VE table needs to be adjusted by % negative or % positive based on the averaged values calculated from the data log in the spreadsheet.

dave w

06-12-2013, 10:58 PM
Well,tried to open it up-unfortunately I only have Excel 2003 which will open xlsx but I wasn't sure how it was delimited so looked for the right program instead.
Couldn't find a copy of E-2007 so downloading openoffice now.

Spark is referenced via the maf in mg/cyl,and VE is referenced to map like you noticed.
Hoping to have time at work to look over that spreadsheet once Openoffice finishes.

dave w
06-12-2013, 11:54 PM
Well,tried to open it up-unfortunately I only have Excel 2003 which will open xlsx but I wasn't sure how it was delimited so looked for the right program instead.
Couldn't find a copy of E-2007 so downloading openoffice now.

Spark is referenced via the maf in mg/cyl,and VE is referenced to map like you noticed.
Hoping to have time at work to look over that spreadsheet once Openoffice finishes.

I should have renamed Hlog4.xls in post #7. I saved and posted Hlog4.xls in post #7 as an Excel 2003 file. Try downloading Hlog4.xls from post #7, there are several changes that I made that can help tuning when working with Excel.

dave w

06-13-2013, 12:06 AM
Got it opened,need to go over what you did in the xlsx but just looking at it I inferred alot.
Never thought to round everything up or down,just been using the closest data points I could find and blending basically.
I can already say you've definately learn-ed me some new idears.

dave w
06-13-2013, 05:38 AM
The reason I use rounding, is to sort the data log into the same cells (MAP vs. RPM) as the VE table. Averaging the long term fuel trim will show if a number in a VE Cell is rich or lean.

Ever been to Weatherford, Ok? I lived their for many years. I have family near Adrmore Ok.

dave w

06-13-2013, 04:28 PM
Never been west of OKC pretty sure so never weatherford.
I've been to Pauls valley,Ada etc. so have likely driven thru ardmore at some point.
I'm east central off I40 in Sallisaw,about 30 miles from Fort Smith,Ar.