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View Full Version : Trying to turn off vats

05-15-2013, 11:47 PM
For whatever reason in the vdf file it does not designate which position on the slider disables vats. I am assuming it is position 2 could someone confirm this.

Cal file attached

05-16-2013, 12:23 AM
Vats is under Switches which is Checked = On and unchecked = off

If you found a slider for VATS it's probably frequency and I wouldn't change that.

Is this a stock cal? If so I'll save it for the cal threads.

05-16-2013, 04:19 PM
I just went through something similar on my Malibu although the OS is different. There were slider positions for light enabled, no light, and disabled. TC suggested "no light" but I ended up using "disabled." I can try and dig out the laptop later today and look at the file to see which was which.

05-16-2013, 07:33 PM
I looked again and saw a Vats slider in Constants, System, has 1,2,3... Have no idea? But the switches to turn on/off are still there.

05-17-2013, 07:59 PM
The V6 doesn't use VATS,it actually uses PasslockI-II. (Though I think it is labeled vats in file)
It is also incorporated into the BCM,and can be a bear to get it to program out on the V6's.
You can shut it off in the PCM programming,but the BCM sometimes will give you fits.
The options iirc are for serial,data or none or something similar.
It is wierd though,and I think sometimes the position is labeled incorrectly in Some def files.

I'll check it out when I get on laptop and remind myself what position I use.
There is also a thread were we discussed it on 3800pro I think,and finally figured out what was going on.
Been awhile though,so need to refresh my brain.
I'll try and find links to post as well.
The VATS system in the trucks is so much easier,on the cars it has always been hit and miss for me whether it will work or not.
(Sometimes,the BCM will still flag the light for fault even though pcm is programmed off)
Look in your system constants as well and it has injector shut off times for VATS,make sure and set those to zero as well.

05-18-2013, 03:48 AM
I'm looking at os id 12585094,which is for a 2004 monte carlo L67 according to osid list.
Options are in system constants
0=enabled 1=no light 2=disabled
VATS injector enable time slider set @ 4 secs below that.
No on/off option in switches.
I'll check some more,and look for that thread where I think it was explained. Really hope it wasn't on Monodax.

05-18-2013, 04:36 AM
I just opened his cal again and it says OS 12618164 2008 Impala SS LS4 5.3L...

My calibration help does not seem to be working so I have no notes on each parameter?

But to make this easy I did find a patch to disable VATS! Files, Code Patches and it's the only one there.

05-18-2013, 06:08 AM
MYLTWON are you swapping an LS4 and 4T65 into a non 2008 Impala ?

Playtoy18 - this an E67 ECM - different from what you are talking about.

EagleMark - you have pointed MYLTWON in the right direction with the VATS patch.

The VATS type in the Constants>System Parameters menu are: 0 = Type 1, 1 = Type 2, 2 = Type 3

On Gen IV controllers tuning software (T/C, HPT, EFILive) employs a patch to essentially do an end run around the VATS routine if you will, rather than eliminate it all together in the calibration (as was done with earlier controllers).

MYLTWON - I have never worked with this particular OS in a conversion vehicle. If applying the VATS patch doesn't work the first time, post up with what you have tried. There are several possible combinations of settings to bypass the VATS. It may take a couple of tries to hit upon the correct ones for this OS. Hopefully applying the VATS patch will do the trick on the first attempt.

05-18-2013, 08:46 AM
Sorry,didn't notice the application other than impala. I was on ipad and then only on laptop for a minute so looked at what was quick forgetting he posted a .cal .
Was going to look more thoroughly but yes I was thinking of the totally wrong app.
I didn't realize there was a patch either,haven't been messing with much lately tbh.

05-29-2013, 01:17 AM
MYLTWON - did you get the VATS sorted out on this project ?

06-12-2013, 09:52 AM
There was a long thread over on Monodax forum that went over the v6 challenges with vats disable on the GM v6 cars. The settings differ year to year, vehicle to vehicle. I have documented a lot, as I can usually get the right settings on the first try. All V6's I do now, I unplug the hall effect sensor to simulate failure. I tried pulling BCM fuse, however, some vehicles, such as my Malibu, I was able to find some settings that would allow engine to run with BCM fuse pulled, but as soon as BCM was powered up, would cause engine to run very rough. All years set the DTC's to no error reporting, anything to do with VATS. Then pay attention to two constants VATS = 0,1 or 2 and VATS Inj Disable Time. IN ALL CASES, SET INJ DISABLE TIME TO 0 ( ZERO ) I use TunerCAT OBD2 by the way...

2000 3.4L Grand Am
2001 3.4L Impala
2003 3.1L Malibu
2003 3.4L Aztek
2004 3.4L Grand Am
2004 3.4L Alero
default values: vats=1
values that worked: vats=0

1999 3.4L Alero
1998 3.1L Malibu
default values: vats=0
values that worked: vats=1

1997 3.1L Grand Am
1999 3.8L Bonneville
default values: vats=1
values that worked: vats=2

2000 3.8L Grand Prix
2000 3.1L Chevy Lumina
default value: vats=0
value that worked: vats=0 ONLY CHANGE was inj time from 4 to 0.

hope this helps. It seems most vehicles after about 2001 used the same values. Please post your results.

06-12-2013, 09:57 AM
There is one more application that has puzzled me. I built a wiring harness for a 3.8L Super Charged Series 2 engine going in an off-road rock crawler. It was for a local customer, and when I delivered it, I told him call me when you get it running, it will start and die. I wasn't even going to try changing vats untill I could try the settings to get it right in person. He called me said it runs great. The default values for a 1998 3.8L L67 , vats=1, inj disable time=4 and the engine ran. The O/S was 9352809 I never changed the vats value and it has never given him any issues. I did disable the DTC's for VATs. That was it.

07-03-2013, 01:52 AM
Sorry guys I have been really busy with multiple projects and havent been able to get on for a while. Whats the patch you guys speak of. It is just confusing since the slider in this case is not labeled. I have yet to try anything else. And as far as the bcm goes I am most likely screwed there.

07-03-2013, 02:02 AM
In TunerCat, Files, Code Patch.