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View Full Version : Fiero 87-88 2.5 LN4 ADX

01-02-2013, 07:11 AM
I am looking for some help in setting up the ADX for the 87 - 88 2.5 Fiero.

The ECM is 1227748. The ECM ALDL output is activated by the 10K resistor. No data is needed to be sent to the ECM. The data is 8192 baud on pin M.

The entire data stream is 67 bytes. The first bytes are F0 95 01 25 5A 00 00 00 FF FF ......

Note - the FF FF bytes above appear to be the CTS data

Q 1 - is the 5A still part of the header info?

Q 2 - What are the proper parameters to put in TunerPro RT for the body size, payload offset, and payload size?

Q 3 - Based on the answers for Q2, what is the correct packet offset for the CTS data?




01-02-2013, 07:13 AM
A few lines I captured - Here the CTS is showing up as the 4444 bytes

F09501255A2489004444FFFF1118BF00006500008000807575 5C50F4ECF825E834E88494FFDC012CC860015B190000000000 1200A02900700100059E4A90317C0002AF
F09501255A2489004444FFFF1118BF00006500008000807575 5C50F4ECF825E834E88494FFDC012CC860015B190000000000 1200A02900700100059E4A90317C0002AF
F09501255A2489004444FFFF1118BF00006500008000807575 5C50F4ECF825E834E88494FFDC012CC860015B190000000000 1200A02900700100059E0A90317C0002EF

01-02-2013, 07:23 AM
F0 = module
95 = packet length
01 = packet mode

25 5A = PROM ID, specifically for ACMH

those are bytes 1 and 2 of the datastream(in TP V5, they'll be entered as offset 0 and 1). after that are 3 DTC bytes, then coolant temp, then startup coolant temp....

anyways, it's either A027 or A034 depending on if you're dealing with a LN8 or L68/LR8/LT2...

01-02-2013, 07:31 AM
So when I look at A34, I see transmit data set up in the definition.

It appears to me that I should be only receiving data. Am I missing something?

I have tried both, but I will try them again. On A34, I get disco data with numbers flashing in and out throughout.

Also idk what the engine is truly called, since almost everything calls it a "Tech 4"

01-02-2013, 07:34 AM
probably the wrong one for the applicaton then. if you're getting good data with the A027 style, then i'd stick with it.

01-02-2013, 07:39 AM
A27 flashes between connected and error - red and blue and doesn't work either.

So for the ADX - should I be using just the Transmit Stream Reply - with the F0 95 01?

Correction - A27 - Dancing disco numbers also

01-02-2013, 07:57 AM
i hate these early P4 units....

i THINK you can just setup the reply with a header of F0 95 01, but i'm not 100% on it. i haven't touched one of these ECMs in a long time.

01-02-2013, 06:03 PM
So I have to ask, why is it that you hate it? What does it do that makes these harder to work on?

01-02-2013, 08:16 PM
they're abnormal... 1227165 for example? finicky datastream, requires more user interaction.

01-02-2013, 08:24 PM
Alright, now I am more confused. I just imported the 1227165 83A.ads definition just to look at, and I see different offsets for the TPS% and the TPS voltage. How come?

01-02-2013, 08:34 PM
because they're different items in the datastream... the old C3 stuff generally only put out TPS voltage and TPS% had to be calculated(guessed at, really) based on voltage. the C3 and every other ECM really calculates it already, but some don't have it by default in their datastream.

01-03-2013, 02:55 AM
Here is the link to the definition - http://www.reddevilriver.com/uploads/87-88_2.5.adx

I (http://www.reddevilriver.com/uploads/87-88_2.5.adx) think I have it right