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View Full Version : Patch Bin From S19 record

11-19-2012, 02:07 PM
Anyone ever use this option? File, Patch Bin, From S19 Record.

Or know how to write a S19 file?

I have some old patches that are S19 files but all I get from TunerPro is Patch Failed?

EDIT: More info for later, I need sleep...:

11-19-2012, 03:01 PM
I used to apply patches manually. There used to be a DOS utility, something like s19pat, which could be used to apply patches. IIRC the .bin had to be converted to S format using another utility, bin2s or somesuch. It's been a long time... But a good hex editor will read the S19 patch file and allow you to copy and paste it into your .bin.

11-19-2012, 09:13 PM
that's the old school way of doing it.... RBob wrote the S19 patch tool AFAIK, but these days, with tunerpro supporting patches as an XDF item, it's so much easier to do it that way.

11-19-2012, 10:59 PM
The Hiway Lean Cruise patch RBob made I made some changes to so it would work in Windows 7.

But TunerPro has the option to Patch bin from S19 so I beleive that is all built in except for the patching directed by the S19 file but it fails? It looks correct?

It would be way easier if the S19 patch could be used, I guess I could figure out how to make an XDF paremeter to do the changes but in the end there are 55 changes!

The link above to TP website mentions a checksum issue on another?

Here's the S19 file for HyWay Lean Cruise for 7747/$42 if someone who knows this stuff could see what is wrong? Remove .txt extension...

EDIT: Also included the complete patch, 2 parts, Hiway Lean Cruise and ESC done. So 2 s19 files.