View Full Version : I have Data logging working now but Emulation won't work on my Autoprom

09-28-2012, 10:07 PM
I’m working on a 1990 Chevy Silverado 7747 ecu $42. I havehad a socket installed in the 7747 unit for a few years and had burned a chipwith the stock ASDU.bin program. Since then I have gone to TunerPro V5 and havemy old AutoProm replaced. (Hopefull not too many variables.) I think the oldautoprom was s/n 000050.
I got the Data Acquisition working 2 days ago but, can notget the emulation working. I pulled the working 29C256 out of the socket and installedthe AutoProm ribbon cable, making sure that the RED strip was on the number 1end of the socket. No chip in the AutoProm ZIF socket.
I put the TunerPro into “Emulating” (green) mode, Uploadcurrent bin to emulator, Verify (green) and then start the truck. SES on solidand I can tell it’s in limp home mode. I can Data log in LHM but, reads reallyoff. I can “Download current bin fromemulator to file” and the file looks the same as what I uploaded.
I also pulled my 29C256 into the AutoProm ZIF socket andread the prom, and saved it to a test1.bin file. Used test1.bin to emulate and I got the sameresults, LHM!
Pull the AutoProm cable back out and reinstall theprogrammed 29C256 form before and the truck runs fine again. I do havePassthru/AutoProm is in the AutoProm position and the other one is in theOpen/8192baud position. I also tried the 160baud/10k position but data loggingdoes not work properly in the 160position.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks, Mark J.

09-29-2012, 12:04 AM
Both switches in.

Upload current bin.


Emulate, then start truck.

Also in preferences choose AutoProm.

09-29-2012, 02:21 AM
Yea, stupid question, you did press the button to enable emulation after you uploaded bin? I ask because I have forgotten to do it myself many times (just last week I did it again...lol) I also always like to verify emulator ram aganst bin. I have had it come back fail once and had to upload it again, then all was well.

09-29-2012, 03:38 AM
I will give that a try in the morning. I'm fiaily sure I had it set-up that way at least once.

Yes, I did, I had a green "Emulating" at the bottom, uploaded to emulator and then verified. Side note: I can see how that can be forgotten.

Another note: This AutoProm was replaced last year and had not successfully emulated to any ECM as of now. Didn't have time to try it out.

Mark J

09-29-2012, 05:12 AM
for what it's worth, I set the switches to "autoprom" (not aldl) and "8192" (not 10k) and I find that I have to upload the bin to the autoprom before starting just about every single time the ignition goes off.

I also have a lot of problems getting the autoprom to be recognized.

So, I get in the truck, hook up the usb, then click "initialize hardware" and wait and try again repeatedly until it works. Takes a minute or two sometimes. Then I click emulate button (if not already pressed). Then I click datalog connect if not pressed. I hit the initialize hardware button anytime I first plug in the computer to the autoprom.

If it isn't emulating properly you should get a rapidly flashing light. If it worked, when you first key on, the light will flash off once (I think) then back on until start. When its running light goes off unless you're throwing error codes.

Maybe time to contact customer support... ?

09-29-2012, 06:04 AM
I'll tell you the easy way to setup TunerPro and the AutoProm. In TP go to Tools, Preferences, Data Aqc / Emulation and for Interface type choose the AutoProm and Detect Hardware at Startup.

Leave both switches in, tape them together if you must to avoid them ever moving. I haven't taped mine but always pinch to make sure they are in.

The only thing I have ever needed Pass Through for was to flash an LT1 PCM.

I have yet needed to use the 10K, but have verified it makes an impossible tune. Even found an old mask with Parameter Comments to zero out the ALDL advance or it will drive you nuts tuning... besides other issues.

Now when you start TunerPro it will find the AutoProm. If it does not move your USB port to another and restart TP. This works every time.

Have not figured out why USB ports move on a Windows 7 laptop? Have been told it is not possible but I have 2 laptops that say otherwise.

EDIT: There are some other articles on TunerPro and the AutoProm at:

09-29-2012, 06:08 PM
When you said "Both switches in" , you meant toward each other? AutoProm not passthru and Open not 10K?
If so that is the positions I have been using.
My AutoProm Initializes automatically when I start TurnerPro if the USB is pulled in. TurnerPro also sees the AutoProm each time I "initialize Emulation Hardware".
Tools, Preferences, Data Aqc/Emulation are set-up as you described.
I have tried what you said about upload often. No difference.
It's acting like there is a ribbon cable problem. Maybe it is time to contact customer support?
Thanks, MarkJ

09-29-2012, 07:47 PM

Although I have used my AutoProm hard and dropped twice on concrete I've had no issues in years. But I have heard some that needed to be repaired.

They come with a short ribbon cable but I use a long one without issue. Also offered is a Booster, which I have an have never needed...

But since you have an old one? Do you have the jumpers set correctly inside? Very little info available on this but they are marked... or are on newer models.

09-29-2012, 08:20 PM
Sorry if I mislead you, I do have a new AutoProm. Craig Moates remoted into my laptop that was connected to test the old one I had for years and could never get Data logging to work. Craig had me send back the old one to test. Craig replaced the old one with a brand new one because that could not figure out what was wrong with the old one. GREAT customer service! Now I have data logging working but not emulation. The new autoprom has never ran emulation for me. The new AutoProm was tested at Moates before I started using it. That's why I'm thinking I am missing something as far as setup.

Jump wise, inside all it has is 2 Jumpers, one to the GM side not honda and the other is labeled 24-28, jumped on the 28 side.


09-29-2012, 09:56 PM
Moates is old skool USA and still has excellent tech/product support. :happy:

What COM port is the AutoProm on? As years move on it seems these work into the teen numbered COM port. But used to be 3-4! Mine is always first plugged in and I get 3 or 4 on the laptop. Go to device manager and remove all the USB entries and restart the laptop. Everything in laptop will re install at re-start, then plug in AutoProm and assign COM 3 or 4. Then there's drivers? Right ones? Have them in first. Newest FTDI USB drivers. Remember this is all old stuff converted to work with USB. There are some computers as new as 2 years old that have USB ports that won't work? Something about power/differant USB? Now there's USB 3.0 coming out...

The way I read the AutoProm instructions it seems it will datalog with emulation cable? But I always use ribbon and ALDL cable.

I uploaded new XDf and ADX files for $42 info thread.

There's lots of links here:
https://www.google.com/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=moates+drivers&oq=moates+drivers&gs_l=hp.3..0i30j0i8i30l2j0i8i10i30.1582.4803.0.535 ..1c.1.EVhgJGS4_uA&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=2ae57bceec566c09&biw=1600&bih=708

But Moates was doing some webwork last week and seems some links changed again...

I uploaded new XDf and ADX files for $42 info thread.

09-30-2012, 05:10 AM
I thought you were on to something when you said about the USB3 verses USB2 ports. I was using a USB3 port. I tried the USB2 port on my laptop with the same results. My COM3 has been steady and I have loaded the newest FTDI USB

It seems to me if I can do the following the USB to AutoProm is working fine. (That's if I understand the way TurnerPro and the AutoProm work together.)

1. Placed running PROM in AutoProm socket
2. Started TunerPro
3. Went to Tools , Moates PROM read/Write Utility
4. Pressed "Read Chip" button
5. Verified Chip w/Buffer (Empty buffer) FAILURE: Verifcation Failed (not matched) 6. "Load File to Buffer
7. Verified Chip w/Buffer again SUCCESS: Verification Succeded.
My thoughts for the day, MarkJ

09-30-2012, 05:54 AM
Just upload and verify till it verifys. Then emulate. If not after a few times there has got to be something wrong. Everything is working except emulation.

10-01-2012, 02:29 AM
I'm going to drop Moates an E-mail and see what they think.
Thanks for all of the help!
I will update when I find out something from Moates.

10-04-2012, 03:22 AM
Problem Solved! Moates support determined the problem to be a bad ribbon cable. They said that around the time I was shipped my replacement AutoProm, they received a batch of ribbon cables that were configured incorrectly. Moates is sending me a replacement cable.
Thanks all of you this replied to this thread, MarkJ

10-04-2012, 04:32 AM
I hate when that happens!

But glad it's over...