View Full Version : hi from phoenix!!!!

04-13-2023, 08:40 AM
hey guys newbie here from phoenix, i have a 1988 35th anniversary edition c4 corvette. i here to improve and learn the process of tuning my own vehicle. most mechanic shops around here wont work on them. I'm good with the wrenching part of things, ive been whenchng for years but now its time to learn how to tune as well. the one skill that can make or brake you, so im hoping with some guidance ill be able to do just about anything with cars. i do plan on building the engine, probably more on the race side. callies crank, scat rods, diamond pistons, cleveite bearing and oh ya my spelling is horrible so be easy. any way pleasure to meet you all and thank you for allowing me to be a member. if your in the phoenix area please say hi, im just moving back from the east coast and getting back into the car seen. car guys are always the best friends. thanks again and pleasure to meet yawl oh ya and if you know a good machine shop in the area i could use some recommendations. I also a medically retired pipe welder have welded on pipe in most every powerhouse's days in the country, and refineries to but refineries are dirty places. So if you need a roll cage welded or something fabricated im your guy!!!

04-13-2023, 12:41 PM
Hey brother,

Welcome! I'm new here too.. but I wanted to pass along some info.

I went to these guys to rebuild my 350 short block. They did an awesome job.

If the South Scottsdale area is convenient for you (Thomas & Scottsdale Rd.) then I recommend checking them out.

Automotive Machine of Scottsdale
(480) 945-0934

The east valley is where I grew up, but I've had enough of 120 degree summers. I live a couple hours north of there now. (and 6000' higher) :happy:

04-14-2023, 04:00 AM
Hey brother,

Welcome! I'm new here too.. but I wanted to pass along some info.

I went to these guys to rebuild my 350 short block. They did an awesome job.

If the South Scottsdale area is convenient for you (Thomas & Scottsdale Rd.) then I recommend checking them out.

Automotive Machine of Scottsdale
(480) 945-0934

The east valley is where I grew up, but I've had enough of 120 degree summers. I live a couple hours north of there now. (and 6000' higher) :happy:
Thank you I appreciate the feedback! I just need the general black prep stuff checking squareness, line hone, Cam bearing install, stuff like that. I built a few motors before but this one I'm going all out. Parts are around 10k alone. Shops want 3x that in labor to put it together. I have all the tools so building it myself it just makes sense.

We're up north did you move my parents are looking to move up north because they can't stand the heat anymore like you!

04-16-2023, 08:36 AM
Flagstaff area. It's expensive to live up here though.

Yeah, I would like to do a complete build myself... but after learning what I did this first time, I will not be doing this again until I have a full garage setup with a lift. Good Lord this is a LOT of work.

04-16-2023, 09:41 AM
Ya I just wish I could understand the turning terms. Other more advanced computers let you set lambda or a air fuel ratio and use the O2 sensor to help you self tune it which is probably what I'm going to end up doing is getting a better computer because tuning these old computers is a really good learning curve.

04-16-2023, 05:35 PM
i agree on ditching the old computer if you're building a real engine for this car, but 'self tuning' is only going to help you in cruising range. if you want to make real power you'll be doing the spark and fuel by hand.

04-17-2023, 04:51 AM
Ya I just don't understand all the tables and there's not a place I found that tells me what what does

04-17-2023, 04:57 AM
the tables in older ECMs are no more complicated than newer ECMs (hell they are usually even less complicated), what is it that you don't understand? you're running a 7165 with $32B mask, right? i've tuned one of those, it was about as simple as it gets.

04-17-2023, 08:01 AM
1227165 $6something

04-17-2023, 08:10 AM
I guess I just don't understand why I can't just change afr like changing lands and then data logging to smith out everything. The biggest problem is that all the links for tuning and learning don't work anymore. So I have no explanation for what I'm looking at means.

04-17-2023, 04:36 PM
what xdf are you using?

its a 35 year old computer so yeah you might run into some broken links

04-17-2023, 05:59 PM
Ya I just wish I could understand the turning terms.

Maybe this would help

04-17-2023, 10:47 PM
Definitely make it better my friend, but thank you very much for that link that's definitely helpful in some of the tuning definitions that was exactly what I was looking for actually thank you again!!!

05-25-2023, 07:53 AM
I just downloaded one from the net. I having a hard time understanding what everything means or how they work together. I'm not great with computers and I wish I had someone to explain just a few things

MO LS Noobie
05-25-2023, 02:52 PM
PM me and I'll help as much as I can. A little help in the beginning saves a lot of frustration. Not much experience with the earlier PCMs, mostly Gen2 LS in my personal rig. But a lot of the general stuff applies across the board. There are some people here who are very experienced and can help with individual issues with that particular PCM.

Happy tuning, Jeff

05-25-2023, 09:47 PM
Do you suggest such a person who I might be able to pay for a few hours of 1 on 1

05-25-2023, 11:22 PM
I just downloaded one from the net. I having a hard time understanding what everything means or how they work together. I'm not great with computers and I wish I had someone to explain just a few things
Learning this stuff is like learning a foreign language. What you may describe as "fuel tables," well the pioneers dubbed it as "volumetric efficiency" or VE tables. EPROMs can be loosely referred to as chips etc. Once you bridge the gap of that language barrier, it gets easier. TBH...I know nothing about MAF tuning. You are right that it has something to do with LV8. When I started dabbling into this stuff back in the late '90s, I didn't even own a fuel injected vehicle. My knowledge came from reading, reading, reading and more reading.

Well enough about that...with that downloaded xdf, you can open it with TunerPro. You can select an item in the parameter tree and press F2. Depending on who built the xdf, some include detailed explanations of what the parameter does. Not all of them will contain "notes" which usually means it's important but nothing needs to be changed here. Here's a good read that I searched (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj3ht6zoJH_AhXJATQIHfTyD2YQFnoECB0QAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgearhead-efi.com%2Fgearhead-efi%2Fmoates%2F1%2520Moates%2520Fileman%2F6)%2520M iscellaneous%2520Uploads%2F32B%2520MAF%2520Tuning% 2520guide%2520J.doc&usg=AOvVaw0b13tazR-hKIbXSxwQdc1H)...well I didn't read it entirely as I'm a speed density guy and MAF material is best read before bed time...

MO LS Noobie
05-26-2023, 02:27 PM
The various tuning guidance that are on the how to section of this website would give you about a six-hour study on the basics. I would suggest that as a first step. Then for your specific set up I would get as far as you can and then ask specific questions, coldstart, cruise etc. Pulse GTO has helped me with a few things. The suggestions below would help bring the language barrier so that everybody is talking about the same thing, the tune basics would help sort that out. What really helped me on the OEM side was understanding what the engineer was trying to do rather than trying to tweak things to make them run right. It is a process, and most tuners or mechanics do not understand as much about it as they should, so they wind up just changing parts or tinkering with the tune that winds up causing problems in other areas.

I just beginning to get into data logging, this is after working on the tune on my vehicle for over 18 months.

MO LS Noobie
05-26-2023, 02:40 PM
Something links that I have found helpful. Personally I have awakened an hour early for the last year and poke around on this site and others. A fresh pot of coffee early in the morning works better for me than trying to absorb all this information after a hard day.


05-27-2023, 01:07 AM
Yeah I'm going to try that because I'm not very good with computers but I do understand basics of how a car runs and operates I just need to understand what the settings are because I compared them against a jet chip from back in the day and the chip was completely different from anything I've seen on any bin modified or factory

MO LS Noobie
05-27-2023, 05:27 PM
Once we have the language barrier and dealt with, give me any specifics you are having trouble with. Tuning can be frustrating, but when you have the car running better than the factory did, it is very rewarding. Also, include the latest BIN file and XDF that you are using