View Full Version : 16196395 $0E hack added

Rob 689
10-07-2022, 08:19 AM
In the thread labeled ECM files bins etc were you can go and get all the bins and xdf files you need, under the 16196395 PCM towards the bottom of all the info theres a post that simply says "$0E Hack added" and has a download link labeled the same way.

Does somebody know what the hack is. I downloaded it and looked and its got a few bin files in it and i was expecting xdf files or something.

What is added to the bin files? is it more than what can be done with tunerpro to a stock bin?

Rob 689
10-07-2022, 08:28 AM
Also how would i go about finding out how to make a manual file from scratch on my own. Ive been told that alot is changed to do so but what?

10-07-2022, 09:39 AM
The bin I supplied you in $od was created by comparing a stock S10 manual bin, hours of examination and is this important or relevant to copy the settings from the S10 bin. You can compare the bin I supplied you with the stock bin and compare all the differences if you like there are a lot. I used to have the log file tunerpro creates when I did the work but it has since been lost.

If you want to attempt it on your own, I recommend you find a stock manual bin for comparison.
Eliminate all tcc and shift tables, I remember reading somewhere that they should all be set to zeros. There is also the dtc codes for auto, If I remember correctly there is a check box for manual trans, also idle air is handle differently on manual than auto, decel is different stall saver, burst knock, I believe I raised the idle a touch, just to make sure it doesn't want to die when you let the clutch out. Manual trans could require a less aggressive timing map also, because the engine is loaded harder than it is in auto, in auto the torque converter buffers the engine load, that could explain some of your kr. You can reduce the whole table by 3 deg and see if it goes away, gets sluggish, or ? There is also an option for when it changes from idle ve to main ve. That's all I can think of now.

Rob 689
10-09-2022, 07:04 PM
The bin I supplied you in $od was created by comparing a stock S10 manual bin, hours of examination and is this important or relevant to copy the settings from the S10 bin. You can compare the bin I supplied you with the stock bin and compare all the differences if you like there are a lot. I used to have the log file tunerpro creates when I did the work but it has since been lost.

If you want to attempt it on your own, I recommend you find a stock manual bin for comparison.
Eliminate all tcc and shift tables, I remember reading somewhere that they should all be set to zeros. There is also the dtc codes for auto, If I remember correctly there is a check box for manual trans, also idle air is handle differently on manual than auto, decel is different stall saver, burst knock, I believe I raised the idle a touch, just to make sure it doesn't want to die when you let the clutch out. Manual trans could require a less aggressive timing map also, because the engine is loaded harder than it is in auto, in auto the torque converter buffers the engine load, that could explain some of your kr. You can reduce the whole table by 3 deg and see if it goes away, gets sluggish, or ? There is also an option for when it changes from idle ve to main ve. That's all I can think of now.

Ahh i see. Yeah i found in parameter notes a few notes pointing in that direction as far as the tables setting to zero theres a flag setting i found labeled tcc torque converter clutch only or whatever and it has some notes. I took the stock bin that came in the calpac of my new computer and tried converting it to manual and i got the flags and i think a good bit of it but i didnt do anything with the timing iac or idle settings. I saw they were different when comparing but just left them alone and when i drove it yeah the knock retard was eorse and it wanted to stall alot. At that point i decided ive played with it enough if i absolutely had to i could probably get one going but its just easier to use yours.

Thank you fir the info tho i didnt know about several of those things like burst knock and a few others i didnt know they changed too. I also didnt think about the engine loading differences between auto and manual but it does make sense also an auto will force shift ag a certain point but not a stick. Were i notice my knocks coming in is probably when an auto would force a shift. Reducing the whole table by 3 sounds like a good start thank you. At least maybe get the knocks gone for now while i finish my open loop tuning.

Thank you for all the help im actually starting to understand whats going on and not feeling lost lol

Rob 689
10-09-2022, 07:07 PM
Im sure I’ll probably stick with $0D but what is the “hack added” on $0E? Do you know what it is? Is it just all the wbo2 stuff and the stuff that 0D already has for the use of cpi instead of tbi and like all the e fan stuff? Im assuming thats all it is but im just curious it doesn’t really effect my build at this time

dave w
10-09-2022, 07:22 PM
Im sure I’ll probably stick with $0D but what is the “hack added” on $0E? Do you know what it is? Is it just all the wbo2 stuff and the stuff that 0D already has for the use of cpi instead of tbi and like all the e fan stuff? Im assuming thats all it is but im just curious it doesn’t really effect my build at this time

Looks like the OE.zip file has two .bin files and two .scr files. Perhaps a google search on how to open a .scr file will help?


10-11-2022, 02:57 AM
Looks like the OE.zip file has two .bin files and two .scr files. Perhaps a google search on how to open a .scr file will help?


SCR is a screensaver file. SRC is I'm guessing just shorthand for 'source', which is what the files in the ZIP appear to be. My guess is they'll open with a text editor, and will contain disassembled source for the calibrations.

10-11-2022, 05:40 AM
Is it the one I added with the E-fan code?

Rob 689
10-12-2022, 08:28 AM
SCR is a screensaver file. SRC is I'm guessing just shorthand for 'source', which is what the files in the ZIP appear to be. My guess is they'll open with a text editor, and will contain disassembled source for the calibrations.

Why would one need disassembled source code for??

10-12-2022, 08:52 AM
Why would one need disassembled source code for??
You're on a forum for hacking ECMs. Disassembled source is how people figure out what code does what so that patches can be made to change/add features. Pretty neat stuff if you ask me. :thumbsup:

Rob 689
10-12-2022, 05:52 PM
You're on a forum for hacking ECMs. Disassembled source is how people figure out what code does what so that patches can be made to change/add features. Pretty neat stuff if you ask me. :thumbsup:

Ahh i see. Yeah it is pretty awesome the amount of work thats been done so far on this site its impressive to say the least. Writing code interests me but definitely waay above my head at this point in time lol