View Full Version : What files are mandatory to connect to ECM?

09-29-2022, 09:27 AM
I`m new with Tuner Pro RT... As far as I know this is the only software that will connect to my 91 3.1 v6 rs camaro (1227730 ECM).

I cannot get my car to connect with Tuner Pro... Cable test returns found and functional, I can also see data coming in with FreeScan software (but it doesn`t support my car).
I get "Not emulating", "Hardware not found" and "DA: Not connected" messages at the bottom of the program.

I had read alot of tutorials but I can`t find info on what files are mandatory for ecu to connect.

bin, xdf, ads or adx?

I`m using $88 files wich should be correct.

I just need this thing to connect before moving on.

Thank you

09-29-2022, 09:29 AM
Adx is the data stream definition file you need. Also be sure you have the correct port selected on tunerpro.

09-29-2022, 09:39 AM
Adx is the data stream definition file you need. Also be sure you have the correct port selected on tunerpro.

Thanks for fast response...

Under Data Acq./Emulation Test for Valid Interface Using Settings I get "Cable found and functional" on COM1.

I just realised that I only had ads, xdf and bin files yesterday when I was trying... I managed to get adx for my ecu.

Will try my luck when I get home.

Also I`m trying to connect via ALDL cable via real com port rs232 if this has any effect.

09-29-2022, 09:42 AM
Ads pre dates adx. Are you sure it's $88 ?

09-29-2022, 09:49 AM
Ads pre dates adx. Are you sure it's $88 ?

Yes it is listed on Tuner Pro website... 1227730 ecm, 90-92 F-body, LH0 v6 engine... this info is all correct, I had also seen reports of people succesfully connecting to 91 v6 3.1 Camaro with $88 files...

dave w
09-29-2022, 06:19 PM

09-29-2022, 07:54 PM

I had tryed file from there and from tuner pro website and it doesnt work... I think that problem is with me having incorrect files as far as I understand from that thread $88 is for 3.1 v6 with 727 ecu and $8D is for 730 ecu but for v8...
On tuner pro website it is stated that $88 is for v6 with 730 ecu, but something smells here... either $88 is for 727 or for 730, it cant be both as one use MAF and other uses MAP...
However I had tryed all files from linked thread and nothing seems to work...
Before I was using 2 transistor ALDL cable and old laptop with COM port, now I switched to usb/tll converter and newer laptop and results are the same... I can see rt/tx lights blinking when I turn ACC on... Also in FreeScanner I can see bits with values being transfered, but sadly FreeScanner only supports newer 3.1 v6 cars... It even switched my radiator fan on because some bites were sent to the ecu ...

dave w
09-29-2022, 09:42 PM
Maybe the Split Second YouTube video link below will help? The Split Second video is not specific to the 1227730, but most of the TunerPro RT tutorial information still applies to the 1227730.


09-29-2022, 09:45 PM
The 727 and 730 (https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~davis/z28/ecm_swap_730/photos/730-adaptor.jpg) are essentially the same ECM except the 727 is packaged differently (https://www.corvetteforum.com/forums/c4-parts-for-sale-wanted/3641083-40-for-ecm-part-number-1227727-a.html) that it can handle higher underhood temperatures as it is designed to reside there. I've never got TPRT to work with the 2 transistor ALDL cable. My understanding is it only works on the slower baud ECMs. Your other cable would seem to function but is this a home brewed cable? FTDI driver installed??? Some say there are cheap counterfeit TTL chips out there that don't work, too.

09-29-2022, 09:52 PM
Sorry, I`m a moron... I was hitting "Initialize emulation hardware" instead of "Acquire data" button....
Now it connects, but I get "DA: Connected" "DA: Data Error!" alternating between each other... 0.02Hz and Errors counting up...
I believe this is due to cheap ch340g ic, will try tommorow with 2 transistor cable...
2 transistor cable should work... I hope it will...
Will report back....

09-30-2022, 12:26 PM
Works with 2 transistor cable to com port and $88.adx.

10-01-2022, 12:36 AM
Works with 2 transistor cable to com port and $88.adx.

That's really cool, I never tried 8192 with the npn's. I always assumed they wouldn't be fast enough. Post the part number and brand of the npn's if you can :happy:

10-01-2022, 02:00 AM
8192 is a pretty darn slow data rate all things considered. My Arduino with zero additional hardware was orders of magnitude faster than the 8192 baud ALDL, to the point where I had to actually comment delays into the code in order to slow it down enough not to trample all over the data bus when responding to messages.

So I'm not surprised a run of the mill NPN is sufficient. Still, very cool seeing homebrew cables working out!

10-01-2022, 07:50 AM
They are 2n2222a in TO-18 package. Will look if I can see brand name on them when I get home...
This is the schematic I had used

10-01-2022, 10:43 PM
Nice, shoot, I think I still have my original that I built in the early 90's somewhere, I put all the crapola inside the db9 shell. If I can find it I'll see what I did. Seems like I used the dtr pin and am sure I had no external power. Shortly after I built that, I moved on to a max233 and 7407 inverter to "clean" the signals further. That design has worked on every baud rate I have come across, even besides the gm stuff. I'll see if I can post a pic of my "retired" stuff if I can find it :)