View Full Version : Fried or Locked PCM

09-17-2022, 05:59 AM
Not sure if this is where to come to, but here we go. I currently bought a Jet DTS for my '96 corvette. It has been tuned before by the PO. And I wanted to "back up" the tune before making the swap to obd1. When I try to read the PCM, I keep getting the same error. I tried using windows XP, 10, and 11, to no avail. I've come across a few articles stating that the pcm is fried, but possibly locked. Any ideas? Thanks

Tom H
09-18-2022, 01:04 PM
I believe that the PCM you have is essentially the same as the one I have been working through. So far I have not used 3rd party software so issues relating to Jet DTS are nothing I can comment on. If you have an ELM327 cable OR are willing to build the cable I wrote up, I can give you a series of commands to find out the problem with your PCM. Additionally, I will soon post on software I created to read both E and TSides of your PCM. Anyone with a tune installed is dependent on the software the tuner wrote/changed. This can include subtle changes that can prevent reading.

Worst case if your PCM has lost it's FLASH content, I posted a method to recover. Look for posts referencing '97 Camaro in the GM EFI section.

Do you plan on installing OBD1 software on your OBD2 PCM?


09-18-2022, 05:12 PM
...bought a Jet DTS...

since it's a commercial product you paid money for, and it's not working, why not ask the people you bought it from? if i paid money for something that was brand new, whether it was software or a toaster, that's what i'd do

09-18-2022, 05:30 PM
That's the plan. But I wanted to transfer the current values over to the obd1. Sure, I'll give it a try, if you feel it might help. I've got nothing to lose at this point. Thanks Chief

I believe that the PCM you have is essentially the same as the one I have been working through. So far I have not used 3rd party software so issues relating to Jet DTS are nothing I can comment on. If you have an ELM327 cable OR are willing to build the cable I wrote up, I can give you a series of commands to find out the problem with your PCM. Additionally, I will soon post on software I created to read both E and TSides of your PCM. Anyone with a tune installed is dependent on the software the tuner wrote/changed. This can include subtle changes that can prevent reading.

Worst case if your PCM has lost it's FLASH content, I posted a method to recover. Look for posts referencing '97 Camaro in the GM EFI section.

Do you plan on installing OBD1 software on your OBD2 PCM?


09-18-2022, 05:32 PM
I hear you, and I do exactly that, but instead I refused to hear everyone else who said their CS was crap lol. I already called, and sent emails too. So instead I'm going to send it back

since it's a commercial product you paid money for, and it's not working, why not ask the people you bought it from? if i paid money for something that was brand new, whether it was software or a toaster, that's what i'd do

09-20-2022, 01:52 AM
The last time I attempted coding was in '99. And I sucked at it. But I was looking at the log file of my DTS, is it written in hexadecimals? Can anyone make sense of it? Thanks

JET Flash Version 4.28 9/16/2022 - 3:24:25 PM


Tom H
09-27-2022, 11:23 PM
That's the plan. But I wanted to transfer the current values over to the obd1. Sure, I'll give it a try, if you feel it might help. I've got nothing to lose at this point. Thanks Chief
Is this still something you are working through?

If yes... Software to read content of both Tside and Eside is perhaps a week away. Now working in the "lab" but needing cleanup before I post. Should the PCM turn out to be locked, I have some ideas for you.


Tom H
10-07-2022, 05:13 PM
Have a look at


I posted an app which might work for you.
