View Full Version : Smoothing VE tables question

04-09-2022, 05:51 PM
Still planning and researching on a tbi build. I grasp getting the vehicle to idle, adjusting BLMs, etc. I struggle with the VE tables. Reading the EagleMark Adjusting VE tables with BLM data tutorial. My question is, it mentions smoothing the VE table prior to data logging, do I need to smooth VE tables each time prior to data logging? Thanks all

04-09-2022, 06:17 PM
I start out with a smoothed VE.
Then log and tune a few times.
I look at the table to make sure it looks sane,
For instance more kpa and more rpm should have more ve to a point.
Rpm will require less once you get over the peak torque, but more kpa should always have more ve.
Once I got it pretty close, I smooth again, and see how far off it is.

If you have not already, check out STEVO's trimalyzer.

He hit the ball out of the park with that program.
You can filter out idle flag false, PE false, engine temp, closed loop true, ECT
Then you can go back and idle flag true, and dial your idle ve in.

People have different approaches, that's how I do it.

dave w
04-10-2022, 07:27 PM
I'll share some thoughts I have about tuning.

Kpa = Engine Load. 100 Kpa is Heavy Engine Load. 20 Kpa is Light Engine Load.

An engine needs more fuel at higher RPM's. An engine needs more fuel at higher Loads (30 MPH vs. 70 MPH). An engine needs more fuel during hard acceleration ( 0 MPH to 70 MPH / Time) . . . 0 MPH to 70 MPH / 7 seconds needs more fuel than 0 MPH to 70 MPH / 14 seconds).

The computer interpolates fuel requirements of surrounding cells. Often I will raise / lower VE values of surrounding cells to smooth a spike.

Spikes in VE tables are common. Spikes greater than a few % are not normal.

dave w