View Full Version : DX_Debug

Tom H
11-03-2021, 03:25 PM
Thread is closed. It's been decided that the initial direction of this code is not what is wanted.

This thread is for use debugging download software for the DX cable. I have attached two files. The Fill0.s19 (attached file Fill0.s19.txt) is just an SRecord file that contains the download data. This is All FFs and just fills the internal ram when downloaded.

The executable file Download.exe (attached as Download.exe.txt) is a command line window file. It is intended to be executed using a batch file. The batch file contains the name of the executable, name of the SRecord file to download and some switches. Switches are

// Command line: Download <file_name> /c<port> /v<verbosity> /p<password>
// port: decimal port number, '1' = COM1 ... 'n' = COMn
// verbosity: $80 Mode and response decodes
// $40
// $20
// $10
// $08
// $04
// $02 Header decode on/off
// $01 SRecord details
// password: hex, four digits of the PCM password
// Eg. test.s19 /c2 /v82 /p9194 --> Use COM2, Turn on all comments, Password $9194

Suggest two lines in the batch first is described above, second line: pause

The pause will keep the window open, permit you to copy the content as a transcript and send it to this post. I will try to debug this as best I can, but since don't have the cable I will lean on you folks to get this all fixed up. The software is working well with my home brew cable. I have found many seemingly trivial differences with the DX cable that just mess up my error checking in the software. I expect we will have troubles and this all will be a bit tedious. Ok so first round of ???
