View Full Version : trouble launching aldldroid

10-03-2021, 11:31 PM
I cant get the Aldldroid app to work with the adx file that came already loaded on the app. The data is erratic and not valid. I reached out to Sebastian and he sent me another ADX to try. He gave me instructions to get the ADX onto the app but I cant seem to make it happen.

I have a Lenovo android tablet. The Aldldroid app is loaded. I have the new adx Sebastian sent me and its on the main storage on the same Lenovo tablet. I downloaded a file manager called Mixplorer Silver. I can reference the ADX with Mixplorer but cant get it moved to the Aldldroid app. When I choose the task to "move", I get an option to type the path that Sebastian gave me but cant get beyond that point

I'm an android newby and total dummy. Can soemone help this android dummy get this adx onto the list within the Aldldroid app?

10-04-2021, 02:10 AM
Ok, sorry for being a cry baby. Anyway I finally got the alternate ADX file onto the app and now it working. I'm mainly using this small tablet as a speedometer so I'm setting up the screen now. I have a full complement of mechanical gauges including tach, water temp, voltage and oil pressure so I don't need Aldl droid for any of that primarily.

On the main screen I'll be setting up and analog style speedo with digital readout just below it. I think I'll also add an indicator for concerter lockup and indicators for fan low and fan high.

From a standpoint of basic monitoring, what do you recommend I set up for a second screen? Fuel trims maybe?