View Full Version : TunerPro Tuning Talk
- TunerPro Version 5 Tips thread
- TPS% value 1227747 ADX
- Enable data Tracing in TunerPro How To!
- Building a LT1 $EE ADS file from ALDL DS file?
- ALDL EFI Abbreviations
- TurnerPro logging -- How do I do that?
- Making Monitors in TunerPro V5 RT
- Micro-mini startup Guide for Beginners
- Documentation Posse
- TunerPro Mode 10 – Clear Malfunction Error Codes
- Making History Tables in TunerPro
- Opening New TunerPro Instance BUG?
- $88 adx
- Data Jump Glitch in V5?
- TunerPro starter Tutorial! New users this is a must read! :-)
- TunerPro Rt used as a scan tool?
- LT1 $EE adx questions?
- oil level sesor Code 52
- TunerPro XDF and ADX lookup Project
- Math Equation help for MPG average History table
- Add new items to datalogdash?
- Options for data type and stock units?
- TunerPro ADX and XDF lookup! Find your files here!
- Jumpy Signals
- Histogram viewing of xls files?
- EFI Dictionary
- 2E tach ?
- Importing ADS into TunerPro V5 and saving as ADX
- USB Cable won't connect to TunerPro for data Aqcusition.
- Mode 8 Silence
- rev limiter launch control
- Hacking the DataStream
- Hacking and Hex?
- Accurate Trip MPG Calculation
- Importing Data Dash Data......
- Screen shot of data dash
- Help adj some bins for nitrous
- TunerPro Connection issue 7747 $42
- RPM's with a/c
- Uber-easy DIY USB ALDL Cable
- Data acquisition set up for Tuner Pro
- lt1 tuning help?
- Data logging questions?
- Datastream data items
- Adjusting BLM
- help me obd 1 your my only hope
- AutoProm AD channels
- having data trace issues
- DFCO question
- Knock count... What am I doing wrong?
- tunerpro and VEmaster not compatible?
- what am i doing wrong?
- AutoProm ADC Interface Channels Set up in TunerPro!
- Finished my do i put it on a chip?
- USB to Com Ports
- Tunerpro RT $4F connection problems
- closed loop Lterm BLM's 120 help
- $DA3 stock settings
- Using Tuner pro with vista and XP
- CC502 shift points recomended
- Using VE master
- help with tranny tuning for $EE
- Stuck in HEX
- why is my map sensor showing kpa (pressure) instead of vacuum?
- Tunerpro RPM vs MAP graph question
- Tuning out Knock Sensors to get rid of code 43 in my 95 LT1
- Check out my modified ADX dash
- flashing 94-95 lt1 .bin file on a 96-97 lt1 computer?
- Trouble datalogging with DIY ALDL cable
- OBD II/ I Y Cable connection issue?
- Help with using moates hdr1 memcal reader to read stock bin?
- Engine stalls when commiting changes in live tune
- TunerPro V5 update!
- $EE O2 table help
- ready for my first tune
- newbie needs help ..
- tuned 350 bin file
- Exporting Difference Tool listing
- "Item Not Defined"
- data logging trips ses
- Wideband Question
- Building / Adding to XDF... Categories, expressions, and not so obvious stuff
- Map reading volts with tuner pro
- 95 Corvette 16181333 ECM Fan control
- Datalog with EGR disabled
- Cant get Tunerpro RT to connect once engine starts
- lt1 hotcam tuning help?
- Tunerpro TPS reading
- newbie to tuning 95 lt1
- $42 questions
- can someone help me change this bin to run a manual
- Help! New to tunerpro.
- Speed Density Log File Analyzer
- Patch Bin From S19 record
- Couple of AutoProm questions
- da connected but no data
- getting started with tunerpro and aldl cable for dummies.
- ecu wiring help
- eprom zeroed out
- Bosch 24lb EV6 injector offset values
- quick help tunerpro chip read function???
- More cool $OE .adx dashboard downloads.... please??
- Setting up WB in the ADX editor.
- TunerPro History Tables, Data Transfer?
- TunerPro Update 5.00.8040.00 to 5.00.8075.00
- Laptop freezing using TP
- TunerPro newbie having logging problems - erratic data
- Cable Installation to TunerPro RT
- Problem creatingformula for a new item to the .adx Values
- Support The Forum: Buy ALDL Cables!
- Tables won't update
- datalogging new chip
- New To the Tuning Game Need To Change My Speedo
- Open Loop tuning/New to tuner pro
- help obd1 your my only hope have strange readings on tuner??
- Adding bitmask to adx.
- 7060 $85 WBO2 ADX check?
- USB/ALDL cable
- USB cable to Tuner Pro interface
- another cable question
- new member, need big help
- Doesn't matter what I try, random knock counts upon communication connection.
- help! dont know where to start
- does tuner pro rt do trans info?
- DA Data errors
- hey im just trying to do the castle run in under 12 parsecs >>obd1 your my only hope
- TunerPro RT Update 5.00.8144.00 (General Release) (5/13/13)
- How to read a chips bin using a Burn2
- does tunerpro rt show show the low and high res. info being sent from opti???lt1
- help me obd1 your my only hope prob with tunercat????
- xdf files for DSM evo 1-3
- Help! Problems with TunerPro RT
- Flashing pcm with stock bin
- what do I start with on putting bin info on a new pcm lt1
- Disable the 9th injector
- Tuner pro RT
- 1227165 ECM in a V6 trouble with spark advance (logs attached)
- DFCO in 6e
- copypng tables
- VATS delete
- Sirrius32
- Dash & Data List Views issues
- having trouble connecting to pcm
- newbie problem
- 88 fiero not connecting to TPRT.
- DA Data Errors?
- Scanning 1996 OBD1.5
- Help please, can't seem to get speedo to work in adx dash.
- New cable , no workie ......
- Connecting to a 16149396 $DF
- ADX problem...Autoprom not scanning
- Custom monitor setup
- windows8
- AIR/SMOG eliminate $6E edit?
- Making a Custom Dash
- Yet Another Newb - TunerPro Doesn't See Cable
- TunerPro RT update Virus?
- Tunerpro not reading chips correctly
- Still getting to know tunerpro. 1992 lt1 First data log
- ADX files
- 87 corvette how do I get Tunner pro to recognize my vet
- OBD1 data stream
- Mask/bin swapping on same ecm model
- ERROR: PROM I/O returned failure?
- $32B-165: Where Clear codes
- what do i need to burn chip?
- what to change in .BIN file once mods are added
- Difficulty reading stock chip?
- Data tracing works, but does not move out of the lowest Map column
- engine data cyl id?????
- Question on bin file values, or lack of them
- Mods done, some time spent researching but would like to have discussion.
- O2 sensor unplugged voltage readings are still being displayed
- open loop AFR tables 1227747
- Correcting the Spark Advance reading '747 $42
- what is the difference between .LT1 files and .BIN files
- async mode 1227747
- Tuning 1227747 VE tables in open loop with a wideband gauge
- TunerPro datalog "monitor" time zooming issues.
- AVT cable connection issues 64 bit
- Jason's catch-all TunerPro/tuning thread
- range rover td6 map edit
- Newbie here trying to learn how to datalog just to monitor.
- 1994 k1500 .bin and tables advice
- datatracing with tunerpro
- TunerPro RT V5 crash when editing a .ADX file
- Adding MPG to the$85/$D8 .ADX
- how to eliminate knock sensor in TunerPro?
- Help reading 27fs512 eprom
- Lambda error value help
- TP V5 says hardware not found
- Need Help With Mode 3 ALDL Command
- Tunerpro X 2
- Tunerpro ?
- K1500 4.3 to 7.4 swap
- wierd issue with HDD protection
- almost ready to start my truck with 5.7 and manual trans but i have question
- trouble burning a chip
- How to Request Mode 3 ALDL Data Using TunerPro RT
- Spark Advance table changes when saved in Tunerpro
- Averaging 2 values in .ADX
- Wierd Autoprom connection issues
- VE table in $5B ?
- Adding XDF header catagories
- I am lost
- 4l60e tunerpro rt and torque signal pressure doesn't exceed 127
- No Rev Limiter, Add to XDF?
- $EE ADX connection issue.
- 16196285 BIN, $36 XDF, and *.adx
- Is it possible to wire a WBO2 directly to to an ECM?
- Emulation first-use confusion
- TunerPro RT w/MacBook Pro?
- Creating an adx
- idle RPM and IAC counts are not responding
- Need Bin Definition and Acquisition files for 1987 F-Body 1227165 Tuned Port 5.7 auto
- where is the fuel map table for 1227165 to adjust air fuel ratio
- Understanding how choke decay works 1227747
- need to know best scan tool for my tbi setup and can still be used for newer obd2
- open loop idle 1227747
- Just registered my TunerProRT
- Tuning a '94 LT1
- New TP Version Launched - 5.00.8853.00 (11/26/15)
- wideband datalogging without autoprom 1227747 ECM
- Can TunerPro change/interpet other crank signals?
- No f***ing clue what I'm doing
- Very rich, no idle
- Frustrated with ALDL Cable
- Tuner Pro FAQ and Tutorials
- IAC not responding like I think it should 7747
- Disable AE and PE and O2 sensor for base tune
- Split BLM tuning question
- data recorded
- Disconnect battery to emulate?
- TunerPro conneting issues
- can MAT inverse Lookup table be data traced in 7730 ecm $8D
- how to start real time tuning?
- TunerPro log file questions
- Custom ADX
- newbie tuning international harvester scout with tbi conversion
- Help me for Tune for this set up ????
- Error 51 7747
- Twenty Thousand Degrees Advanced
- Lean hesitation with cold engine TBI
- OBDII plug-in
- Log file format.
- connectiing to TunerPro 1227747 ecm
- $_ _ <----- Help
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